6. When you found he was stalking you

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The next day was the weekend and so you had no classes. You were chilling at home, watching TV, sitting on the couch with Taehyung. Suddenly your phone rang. It was one of the girls you had just got to know during the sports trials. There wasn't much for you both to talk about since you both had varied interests and hobbies, so you wondered why she was calling. You answered the call.

Mihu: Hey y/n, are you at home?

You: Yeah. What is it?

Mihu: Uhm... I need a small help from you y/n.

You: Okay, tell me about it.

Mihu: I need you to come with me to collect my sports journal from Toby's place today.

You: Toby? Why did you give it to him?

Mihu: He was bullying me the other day and he saw that I had this book in my hand. He took it by force. I thought that he would return it, but he didn't. And I am kind of scared to go there alone.

You: Okay, but why me Mihu? You can take any of your other friends with you, right? He kind of gives me creepy vibes. I also heard that he got connections with bad guys as well.

Mihu: I know, and I had asked Keith to come along, but he backed off saying that he was scared. Then he told me about Toby having a crush on you. He said that he won't hurt or bully you.

You: You think he won't? That too you are saying that he has a crush on me...

(Taehyung started paying attention to what you were speaking after he heard you say this)

Mihu: Please y/n. I need the journal for the test later. No one is helping me out. You are the only hope for me. Please y/n.

You: But what if tries something nasty? I don't want to be anywhere near him.

Mihu: Please y/n. Help me out. He won't say a thing to you.

You: I'll think and let you know. When do you plan to go?

Mihu: Later in the evening.

You: Okay, I will let you know before that.

Mihu: Thank you y/n. I know you won't disappoint me.

You then cut the call. Taehyung turned towards you and spoke.

Taehyung: What's up?

You: A friend has her book stuck with a bully and she wants my help to get it back from him, since she believes that he has a crush on me and he won't bully me. She is scared to go alone. What should I do? I definitely don't want to go.

Taehyung: Hmm. Go with her. He may not say anything to you if he really has a crush on you.

You: But what if he does?

Taehyung: Then he would just bully you. hahaha...

You: All you do is annoy me... how did I get a brother like you... Eomma... Oppa is pulling my hair.

Taehyung: I didn't-

Mom: Stop that Tae, before I rip your hair off...!!

Taehyung: But I didn't do it.

You: Serves you right...!!

You went to your room after sticking your tongue out at him. You then thought about Mihu's situation.

You in your mind: All I have to do is accompany her and help her get the book back. Nothing else. How bad can it be? I think I should go. I can't let a friend lose grades because I didn't help. Uurggh. Okay I'll go with her.

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