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I zipped up my trunk, heaving a breath as I prepared to leave my dormitory.
"Ready?" Hermione asks from over at her shelf, where she was packing away the last of her books.
"Ready." I sigh, taking her hand when she offers it to me. She gives it a small squeeze.
"Let's go." She says, dropping my hand and leaving our room.

"Hey, boys." I say to Ron and Harry when we reach them in the common room. Harry gives me a small smile and I feel my cheeks get hot.

"Bye, Lav. See ya, Parvati. Bye Mayfair." I say, hugging each of my friends in turn.

"See you next year." Lavender says.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and I leave the common room, trudging down to the entrance hall.
"Everything's going to change now, isn't it?" Hermione says, her voice wavering slightly.
"Yeah," Harry says plainly, "it is."

"Promise you'll right this summer?" Hermione says. "All of you."
"You know I won't." My twin says, chuckling.
"Harry will, won't you Harry? And Ruby?" Hermione questions.
"Yeah, every week." Harry and I say sarcastically in unison.


When we reach platform nine and
three-quarters, I rush out to Mum, flinging my arms around her middle.
"Hey, honey!" She says, returning the hug. "Good year?" She asks.
"Perfect - sort of." I chuckle.

Boy, was I excited for the holidays.

WOW! what a journey that was.

First of all I'd like to say THANK YOU to each and every one of you who made it to the end! I know this chapter was VERY short, I just wanted it to end on a good note.

Question of the chapter: On a scale of 1-10, how much did you enjoy this book? Please give some feedback, good or bad. That way I can work on perfecting things for the next book! Answer here: ⇨⇨⇨

I REALLY hope you enjoyed the book! If you did, let me know! If you didn't... let me know what I can work on!!

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Would you prefer me to write the WHOLE book and then publish, or publish chapters as I go?
Answer here: ⇨⇨⇨⇨

Thanks again for reading! Love you all so much, have a perfect day 🌸

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