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When Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Ron and I sat down in the hall later, I was surprised to find that the Beauxbatons girls and Durmstrang boys were nowhere in sight

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When Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Ron and I sat down in the hall later, I was surprised to find that the Beauxbatons girls and Durmstrang boys were nowhere in sight. Chatter in the hall died down as Dumbledore took his place at the podium.

"Students of Hogwarts," Dumbledore announced, "please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of Bueaxbatons Academy of Magic, and their Headmistress, Madame Maxime."

The Great Hall doors flew open to reveal Madame Maxime, who walked gracefully up the aisle to the platform. The twelve satin-clad girls appeared in the doorway, now wearing stockings and gold silk gloves in a fashionable but feeble attempt at warming up. The girls danced elegantly down the aisle, twirling and spinning, silk billowing around them. One particularly stunning, blue-eyed, blonde-haired girl flourished her hand, causing flowers to appear around her, floating in the air. I suddenly felt very insecure. Hermione and Ginny's faces told me they feel the same way, but the boys at the table seemed to be totally transfixed, in awe of the beauties twirling down the aisle.

Another gorgeous brunette with a braided, intricate hairstyle flourished her hand the same way. This time small, golden birds appeared, circling around the dancing girls while chirping merrily. The girls seemed to emit beauty and grace, the definition of perfect.

There was one more girl that especially stood out to me. She had ginger hair and beautiful, brown, doe-shaped eyes with long eyelashes. My red hair and brown eyes seemed boring in comparison.

"Hey Ruby, she looks like you." Harry remarked, nodding at the red-haired beauty.
"No she doesn't," I laughed.
"Yeah she does," Ron said, "though she's a bit prettier." He chuckled. I knew it was a joke, not meant to be taken seriously, but it felt a bit like a knife had just lodged itself into my heart.

Their dance ended, the french girls posing with their arms out like ballerinas. Applause erupted through the room, people whistling and cheering while the gorgeous girls smiled like princesses. They then walked back through the room, taking random places in empty seats.

"And now, put your hands together for the boys at Durmstrang academy for Wizards, and their Highmaster Karkaroff!" Dumbledores voice rang through the hall when the remnants of the previous applause finally dulled down.

"It's him!" Ron exclaimed. I look up at him, oblivious. "It's Krum! Victor Krum!"

Nobody could miss the twenty masculine, mysterious-looking boys enter the room led by their Highmaster, Next to Karkaroff, the one and only Victor Krum walked towards the platform at the top of the room.

"Krum?" Harry's eyes darted up to Ron and then to the famous Quidditch player. My own eyes did the same, going wide before flicking to Krum, then back at the other Durmstrang students.

Dressed in scarlet red robes and heavy furs, the boys followed their headmaster. Thick black boots marched down the aisle, brandishing staffs that sparked when the boys whacked them to the floor. Some of the boys breathed out fire, blowing it around like dragons. Others tapped drums, sending an echoey rhythm bouncing around the hall.

When Durmstrang's performance was over and they took seats in random, empty places along the house tables, Professor Dumbledore spoke up at the podium.

"Good evening, witches and wizards, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and guests!" The Hogwarts headmaster said, beaming around at the tables of students. "I have the utmost delight in welcoming you all to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! I hope you find some comfort with us here over the school year, your time will be both enjoyable and exciting. The tournament will officially begin at the end of the feast!" Dumbledore announced. "For now though, I invite you all to eat, drink and make yourselves at home!"

The golden plates and bowls up and down the tables filled with food. The house elves had really outdone themselves this time, including a bunch of dishes I had never even seen before and were most definitely foreign.

"What is that?" Harry's finger is pointing at a plate filled with slimy-looking, greyish brown lumps that were topped with parsley.

"Escargot," Hermione said. Ron, Harry and I shared puzzled looks. "Snails," she explained. My face automatically screwed up, along with Harry and Rons."They're a French delicacy, actually." Hermione continued, nodding, "my parents and I went to France in the summer before last. They're actually quite nice, try one," she persuaded, picking up a snail on her fork and putting it in her mouth.

"Ew, no thank you Hermione," Rons nose was shrivelled up, a sour look on his face. Harry and I tentatively leant forward and scooped up one of the snails.

"Same time?" I said to Harry.
"Same time," he nodded.
"3," I said.
"2," he followed.
"1," we said the last number in unison, and I put the snail into my mouth. A pleasantly rich, buttery flavour exploded on my tongue. I looked up at Harry, who was grinning madly, his snail still on his spoon.

"You didn't eat it!" I huffed.
"No way! You really thought I would?" He laughed like a madman,"got you." He said, clutching his stomach.

"Excuse me?" A gorgeous Bueaxbatons girl with shining black hair walked over to our table. "Are you still wanting ze escargot?" She said, motioning to the snails.
"No that's okay, you take them." I smiled at her.
"You are finished wiz zem?"
"Yes," I assured her, "they were excellent."
"I do razzer enjoy zem myself," She nodded at me, proceeding to pick up the plate.
"My name is Camille. I am a fourz year, but I was allowed to come along because my sister, Louise, is entering." She said, stretching out her dainty hand.
"I'm Ruby." I said, taking her hand and shaking it gently, "this is Hermione, Ron and Harry." I gestured to my friends and twin, "we're fourth years, too."
"Oh! Do you mind if I sit wiz you? Everyone else from my school who came 'ere is in zeir sixth or sevenz year!"
"Of course!" Ron answered for me, his face pink and slightly splotchy. She sats down between me and my twin, and placed some escargot onto her plate.

"The food your school is serving is very interesting," she said, "you 'ave foods I 'ave never seen before! What should I try?" She asked, eyes scanning the golden plates and bowls. Ron handed her a Yorkshire pudding which the girl loaded with roast beef upon his instruction.

"Zis is delicious!" She exclaimed through a mouthful, "one of ze best zings I have ever tasted!"

The five of us chatted through the rest of the feast, Camille suggesting to us which French foods and desserts we should try as we did the same for her.

<<<<<<<<authors note>>>>>>>>

I'm so sorry, this chapter ended super abruptly! I just didn't want it to drag on and so I've split this scene into two.

The Triwizard Tournament is about to begin!! How's everyone going? I hope you're doing well, take care of yourself.

Question of the chapter: would you prefer to attend Beauxbatons, Durmstrang or Hogwarts?
Answer here:                                ⇨⇨⇨⇨

I definitely prefer Hogwarts!

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I hope you're enjoying!!
Have a lovely day 💐

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