The Idea of Him

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"You don't love him, you love the idea of him."

Taehyung clinked his wine to your juice.

Well, you almost got a wine poured to your glass but he told the bartender to give you a juice and if you want a wine so much you could have a grape juice instead. You took that deal. The two of you went to a hotel bar after the dinner. His treat.

"That's not it."

"Come on, you don't know Jungkook, there is side of him that you don't aware of. The one you love was the man in Yerin's mind."

"I don't want to discuss this with you..."

"Keep convincing yourself the opposite, make a fool of yourself."

"You never love anyone. You have no idea how it feels.." A flower that died before it had a chance to bloom, "You don't even care about your sister."

"She is very clingy." He justified his act. Every time he went out, she was following him. Literally, everywhere.

"I hope you fall in love so deep that you become dumb for it. I want to see how ridiculous you are at the time." You cursed.

He had to taste the pain. So that he stop underestimating someone else feelings.

"Why do you think i keep bothering Yerin?"

Why? Is there a reason for that?

Beside he is a jerk? Anything else? Why?

It can't be because he likes her? Or he likes you? Nope. He is heartless creature.

You eliminated that thought immediately.

You reminisced his hands on your waist this afternoon. Why did he check your pants?

He did so many weird things. The most weirdest of all. Was it because he afraid your pants too tight? He was worried about your pregnancy not you. You scoffed in your heart.

"You don't love him, you love the idea of him."

Not that what he said was wrong but amount of truth in them. The idea of Jungkook..

The one you fell in love with was the man from Yerin's point of view. The one who treated her like the most precious girl in the world. How patience he was to her.. how gentle he kiss her.

You wanted all of that.

"Why the hell i let his words influence me!"

Now you couldn't sleep and it was already passed midnight. You bet he sleeps like a baby next door. Maybe you should wake him up.

Banging his door or something.. tsk.

No, you sure you love Jungkook.. 

"Where is she?" Taehyung asked the maid.

The dining room was empty. Your seat had been cleaned by the maid.

"Miss Y/n went to the college, Mr Kim.." The maid lowered her head.

"She is really a stubborn one, isn't she?"

You woke up like zombie this morning, clearly you couldn't sleep well last night. He met you in breakfast table and told you to stay home today. Of course, he should've guessed you wouldn't listen to him.

He had to make some calls, you must be sneak out while he was on the phone.

"Where are you?" He called your cellphone.

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