Halloween Pt.1

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Me: yall something aint right

Ghost: ???

Me: we're so close to halloween and yet no one has said anything

Me: like how am I supposed to pick a costume when no one has brought up possibilities

Me: and what if we want to get together and have a party??

Ghost: SHUSH


Hannibal: do not bring up that topic

Me: What...halloween? 

Me: what's so wrong about halloween

Me: oml are yall in some sort of freaky anti halloween cult or some shit

Me: you can't use me as a sacrifice babes

Michael: are we talking about halloween?

Ghost: NO

Ghost: NO mikey we are not

Michael: call me that again and ill kill you

Me: I'll*

Me: why can't I talk about halloween?

Ghost: oml ur so dumb

Ghost: we can't talk about halloween due to a certain someone in the gc


Me: who? Michael?

Ghost: yes

Glen: can we PLEASE drop the subject now?

Hannibal: Michael gets sort of...aggressive around halloween, and he lashes out

Hannibal: it's a past trauma issue

Michael: shut up

Me: oh

Me: my bad ig

Michael: Phantom. DM me.

Michael: now.

Me: I-

Ghost: oh shit

Glen: good luck solider 

Hannibal: this will be interesting 


Yes I made this because I haven't been posting at all



Don't judge me-

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