Teaching Hannibal Slang

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Phantom added Ghost, Hannibal, JD to 'Teaching Hannibal English'

Ghost: uhm

JD: phantom???

Hannibal: Why have you added me into another group text conversation?

Me: today JD, Ghost, and I will be teaching Hannibal modern slang

JD: oh no

Ghost: oh YES

Hannibal: alright

Me: Alright, so, Hannibal

Me: when I say Ghost slays, I mean...?

Hannibal: that he kills people?

Me: no

Me: when I say Ghost slays, it means that he looks hot af

Hannibal: what

Me: so if I say ' damn ghost slayyy' it means he looks hot af

Hannibal: ... okay then

Ghost: why thank you 

JD: of course, the chances of Phantom using that phrase is practically non existent, seeing as ghost is never hot af 

Ghost: you know what JD, if I was ur mom I would've killed myself too


JD: you little bitch

Hannibal: do you have any other 'slang' for me?

Me: alright

Me: so when I say ' periodt' what does that mean?

Hannibal: I have no idea

JD: ghost next time I see you I'm going to rip you apart

Ghost: I'd like to see you try you lanky stick bug looking bitch

Me: oh boy how do I explain this

Me: alright, so basically it's used to show / mean that there are no other options / it's the end of a conversation...it can also mean you agree with something

Ghost: so if I said ' this weekend's going to be great'

Me: my response could be 'periodt'

Hannibal: modern slang makes no sense and seems difficult

Me: oh you have NO idea

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