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Going inside the alleyway, it smelled like cigarettes and trash. Usually, Japan is a clean country and since being here, I'm used to the streets being clean, not dirty. I could even see cigarettes butts on the floor along with plastic or beer bottles. Maybe it was a bad choice to go into the alleyway...

Suddenly, I saw some people getting beat up. Of course, I tried looking away from what was happening. Besides, it's not my problem and I don't want my butler to get worried about that, he'll just nag me for hours on end. Not only that, IT'S GONNA HURT LIKE HELL.

Walking fast and trying to not get spotted by the people, I felt my collar get pulled. I was panicking so fucking hard inside, being scared shitless and stuff.

"Oh? What this? Did you get backup from some little girl?" One the guys in the group, aka the with the blond hair spat to at the person beaten up, shaking his head no.

They were all laughing at the person, blondie pinned me to the wall, AND I ALMOST PISSED MY PANTS, JESUS CHRIST. Sweating hard, he just looked at me and said something in the lines of "beating me to a pulp to the point I call for my dad" while his gang just laughed behind him.

Who gonna tell them about my family?

Anyways, he spat in my face and since I couldn't fight well, there was only one option. Was it to flee? Yes but no, he's catch up quickly if he wasn't hurt. It was to kick him in the balls since the genitalia was the weakest spot a guy could have on their bodies.

Gathering up the courage, yelling at him I said, "How dare yout spit on my face!" Cause like I need to make him caught off guard. Also because I actually don't know what to say right now, so just thought of the first thing he did bad to me. God, IT SOUNDED SO FUCKING CRINGE, SAYING THAT HE SPIT ON ME, THIS IS WHY I STAY QUIET.

"Awww, what's that? Little missy's mad?"

"Lol yeah." Going calm all the sudden with the guy bring caught off guard. NOW THERE'S MY CHANCE BITCH.

Kicking him in the nuts with as much force I could do, for some reason, they were all stunned at me. Blond guy's clutchin his nuts, damn. Dude's not able to produce children. Seeing them stunned, I just ran straight since there was an exit if I ran far enough. I couldn't look back, but I know they were chasing me, which made me run faster until I got into the streets full of people. PLEASE DON'T CATCH UP-

I was still running while praying to god until bumping into somebody. Looking down, I tried hiding behind them until they spoke.

"W-whoa, what are you-" They said startled at my actions.

"Shhhh! Is there a ugly dyed blond person with their friends here?" I say while I'm fake shaking. Yes, I probably "pissed" my pants, but I wouldn't be THAT scared. Also, I gotta act like a 6 year old...or uh, try to.

"No? Why are you asking?" They looked confused at me.

"It's for no reason," Going in front of the person, looking at their face, which realizing he was a guy. "T-thanks for helping sir!" I say bowing in front of him to show him how greatful I am at him.

Looking at his face, he looks familiar, like an anime character. He has black hair, black dull eyes, and it's styled in a pompadour. He kinda looks ass wearing it, but I can't tell him that. I'll be rude.

"It's no problem."

"Excuse me sir?" I say asking him a question, why you may ask? I NEED TO FIND MY BUTLER I KNOW HE'S PROBABLY SHITTING HIS PANTS FINDING ME. Also because I need to act like I was lost when the truth was I was running away from my butler. Is that even the right thing to say? I ran away frommy butler, eh waterever, fuck grammer.

"Do you have something to ask?"

"...I lost my caretaker, is it okay if you could come with me to find him?"

He said yes. Wait, HE SAID YES?

I say with a smile on my face, "Thank you so much sir! I think my caretaker was at one the shops down that alleyway." Pointing at the location.

"You went, through the alleyway?" He says, with concern in his voice.

"Yeah...is that a problem?" Trying to act confused and innocent.

"That place is dangerous, you shouldn't go there got it. You could have gotten hurt." He says worrying about me.

Damn, I'm actually good at lying and it's not bad...huh. I should do this with the maids and butlers next time...

Despite him being menacing as fuck, he's actually pretty nice and really helped me with finding my butler. But I realized I never really got his name. Maybe this is a good time doing this. I mean, I never really talked to anybody else other than the maids and butlers around me.

"So uh...what's your name sir?" I look at him while walking to find my butler.

"I'm Sano Shinichiro, what about you?" He says smiling at me.


I look at him dead in the eyes like he did something bad. Really, I just do that for no reason. It's kinda funny because now he's worried that he scared me or something. He's sweating hard too...lol.

"Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to stare so much." I say looking straight where we're going. "I'm Huang Rey, nice to meet you, Sano-san..."


Anyways 2nd chapter done, also our protag's name has been revealed, Rey Huang! Also here's what she looks like from now until the main story starts! (I KNOW SHE LOOKS OLDER THAN SHE IS RN, I TRIED TO DRAW HER YOUNGER BUT FAILED)

Drawing is an updated drawing as of 10/8/22

Drawing is an updated drawing as of 10/8/22

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