Chapter | 17

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Mondays. I hate them. I mean really, who actually likes Mondays? Sure, there's those few people that are like, Hey it's the beginning of a new week that is filled with new opportunities; however, I am not one of those people. I will forever and always hate Mondays.

"Hey, Nol, it's time to get up." I heard a deep voice whisper.

I reluctantly opened my eyes, blinking away the blurriness in them before focusing my eyes on Matthew, who was kneeling down next to my bed.

"I don't want to go to school." I mumbled into my pillow, pulling the blanket over my head as I nestled deeper into bed.

After we got back from church yesterday I had ended up throwing up 3 more times and laying on the couch all day. I thought I felt better by the time I went to bed, but I was proven wrong when I woke up in the middle of the night with a nauseous feeling in my stomach.

Let's just say I didn't sleep the best, and I definitely wasn't feeling well enough to make it through the whole school day.

"Nol— ," Matthew chuckled, grabbing the blanket and gently pulling it off my head, "—you're not going to school today."

I finally removed my face from the pillow, looking up at him with a confused expression etched on my face.

What did he just say?

"Remember, you have a doctors appointment at 10:30." He reminded me.

I groaned in response. I'd rather go to school then the doctor. At least at school I could see my friends.

"I know you don't want to go, but you need to." He said softly, bringing his hand up and brushing my brown curls out of my eyes.

"I know." I replied dejectedly before asking,"Do I have to go back to school after?"

Matthew shook his head. "No, I pulled you out for the day. I though we could hang out after and make a day of it."

A smile pulled at my lips at my brothers words. Since school started we had all been busy, and I missed hanging out with him.

"That's okay right?" He asked.

"Yeah, of course. Thank you." I said, the smile on my face growing ever so slightly.

He smiled back at me for a few seconds before looking over to the clock on my bedside table, which currently read 9:42am.

"Okay, you're appointment's at 10:30, so we need to leave by 10 to make it on time." He said, placing his hand on my nightstand and pushing himself up off the ground, groaning in the process. "Uhg, I'm getting too old for this." He complained as he walked toward the door.

I laughed, slowly pulling the covers off of me, ignoring the small throb in my head as I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face before returning to my room to get dressed. I grabbed a random hoodie and pair of blue jeans, quickly throwing them on before slowly making my way downstairs.

When I finally made it down to the kitchen it was already 9:59. Just on time, I thought right as Matthew walked in, his keys in one hand and a coffee cup in the other.

"Okay, ready to go?" He asked as I made my way over to the medicine cabinet.

"Uh yeah, just a sec." I said, digging through the messy pile of different medications.

I searched each and every shelf in the whole cabinet and couldn't find it. "Do you know where the Advil is?" I finally asked, my patience running thin, but instead of an answer I was met with silence.

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