Chapter | 9

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Bright lights, a breathing mask being shoved on my face, someone yelling,  Nicole's face, I could only make out bits and pieces of what was going on. I was so tired and everything hurt, it felt like I had been hit by a truck.

"Hold on Nol. Hold on for me okay?" I heard someone whisper in my ear.

I think it was Nicole, but my brain was too foggy to piece it all together. I tried to keep my eyes open, I really did, but my eyelids felt so heavy, and I couldn't help them from closing. So once again everything faded away into nothing, as I slipped back under into unconsciousness.


When I woke up the first thing I noticed was that I was in a bed, but not my bed. It was lumpier and uncomfortable unlike my bed. The next thing I noticed was that I had multiple IVs in my arms, and a thin breathing mask was draped across my face.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Someone asked softly.

I blinked a couple times trying to make out who, and where the voice had come from, my vision still a bit blurry. Eventually I was able to make out Sophi's worried face. Her and Matthew were sitting on my right in those super uncomfortable plastic hospital chairs, while Nicole sat opposite of them. Nicole's eyes were red and puffy, evidence that she had been crying, but when she noticed I was awake a look of relief passed over her face, and I felt her loosen the death grip that she had on my left hand. 

"W-What happened?" I stuttered out, my tongue feeling like led as I tried to talk.

"Well we were bowling, or about to start bowling actually and then you just passed out." Nicole said quietly, tears filling her eyes again.

I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, she offered me a small smile in return, but it didn't reach her eyes.

"D-did they figure out wh-why I passed out?" I stuttered, still not quite sure what was going on with my tongue.

Matthew and Sophi exchanged worried glances, having a silent conversation with their eyes, most likely deciding who would tell me what was going on. By the look on both of their faces I could tell that the reason I passed out wasn't good. But eventually Sophi spoke up.

"They ran some blood tests Nol and your red blood cell count is um i-it's um—" She stopped, seeming like she was at a loss of words. That definitely wasn't good. She always had something to say.

"Your red blood cell count is dangerously low Nolan." Mathew finished for her.

I sighed, that explained my headache and how tired I had been the last couple of days. I should of told someone before it got this bad.

You're such a burden sometimes. If you would've just told them Nicole wouldn't have been crying, Sophi and Mathew wouldn't be so stressed right now, and you wouldn't have ruined you're friends night.

I closed my eyes trying to tune out the voice in my head. William, Grayson, and Asher were probably freaking out. Not to mention how confused Lindsay must be. Shoot Lindsay, I forgot she was there.

"Wh-What about Lindsay?" I asked frantically. Turning my attention back
to Nicole.

"Oh don't worry we didn't tell her about your cancer, we didn't think it was our place." She said quickly.

"What d-did you tell her?"

Seriously what is wrong with my tongue?

"That you had a headache all day and were probably just dehydrated." My twin sister said with a shrug.

I let out a sigh of relief. I wasn't quite ready to tell her yet. If I told her she would pity me and I didn't want that. I had also just met her on Sunday, and this wasn't something that you normally just dropped on people. Like, 'Hey, we just met a couple days ago, but I just wanted to let you know I have leukemia.' It was honestly kind of hard telling people, especially people that you barely knew.

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