Chapter | 4

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I was currently sitting at lunch with Grayson, William, Asher, and some other guys on the football team. William and Asher both knew about my cancer. The 4 of us had been friends since 6th grade when we were all on the same football team. Well actually me and Grayson had been best friends since 1st grade, but when we met William and Asher they just kinda became a part of our friend group.

William was telling some story about how a kid got kicked out of his class today, but I could hardly focus as my stomach was currently protesting against the sandwich I had just eaten. I wanted to call Matthew to come and pick me up, but then I would miss football practice, and if I missed practice I wouldn't be able to play at the game tomorrow night. I was on varsity and a starter. I mean Coach was always understanding and let me sit out if I didn't feel the best, but I couldn't do that to my team.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as someone waved their hand in front of my face. I looked up to see the whole table staring at me.

"I'm sorry what were we taking about?" I asked sheepishly.

"I was just asking you if you were excited for the big game tomorrow night?" Nick, one of the Junior's on the football team asked.

"Oh yeah super pumped we're going to crush them." I said with as much enthusiasm as I could muster.

They all whooped and cheered giving each other fist bumps and slaps on the back. But Grayson, William, and Asher exchanged worried looks.

"Are you good?" Asher mouthed to me.

I just nodded even though I wasn't.


After lunch I walked back to Chemistry so I could finish my test that I had started earlier.

"Hey you feeling better?" Mr. Fisher asked as I walked in.

"Yeah." I lied as I walked up to his desk.

It's not that I liked to lie I just didn't want everybody worrying about me and watching over me all the time like I was a child.

"Good! Here's your test. Take all the time you need you've got about an hour and twenty minutes."

I nodded and slowly walked back to my  seat. We had a block day today which meant that we only had 4 classes, but they were twice as long. Luckily my last class was study hall so after I finished my test I would be able to rest until football practice. I sat down at my seat, taking a deep breath before picking up where I left had off earlier. Praying that I would remember what I studied last night.


Unfortunately my Chemistry test had taken most of the hour so I didn't have much time to rest before practice. My stomach was feeling better, but my head was pounding.

"You ready?" Grayson asked as he and William walked up to my gym locker.

"Yeah just a second." I said while rummaging through my locker to find the Tylenol I kept in there.

Once I found it I quickly fished out 2 pills and gulped them down with water. How people dry swallow pills is beyond me.

"Okay we can go now." I said as I shut my locker.

When we got out to the field the rest of the team was already warming up.

"Boys you're late 20 push-ups." Coach Wilson said.

"It's my fault coach they're only late because they were waiting on me." I said.

I don't want my friends to get in trouble just because of me.

"Okay well in that case Reynolds, Kepler 10 push-ups. Caddel 20 and then come talk to me when you're done."

I nodded glad that he lowered their number. I dropped and started my push-ups kinda glad he had given me a punishment. One of the best things about coach was that he never treated me different then anyone else. I mean if I wasn't feeling good and said I couldn't play he would obviously let me sit out, but at the end of the day he was one of the only teachers that actually pushed me still.

"So coach you wanted to see me?" I asked waking up to him when I was done with my push-ups.

"Yeah I just wanted to see how you were this week with the chemo and all." he said.

"It's kinda been a rough week." I confessed.

I always tried to be honest with him because I knew that he wouldn't pity me or sit me out just because I wasn't at my best.

"You think you'll be able to play tomorrow?"

I shrugged and then said with a smirk, "I'm not sure but I'm gonna try."

He chuckled and patted me on the back while shaking his head.

"Of course you will. Let me know if it gets to be too much though."

"Sure thing."

"Okay now get over there and start your warm ups!" He yelled.

"You got it coach!" I laughed while running out onto the field and joining the rest of my teammates.

Let's just hope todays practice goes better than it did yesterday.

Hi! Hope everyone had a good day!

Sorry this chapter was so short, but don't worry they're going to start getting longer soon, so be prepared for that.

Also thank you so much for being here! I appreciate all the support<3

Word count 876

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