Chapter | 5

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I could feel the excitement in the air on Friday as I walked through the hallway. Everyone was gearing up for the big game. Wherever I went people kept giving me high fives, fist bumps, and pats on the back telling me good luck or asking me if I was excited.

I don't know why everyone always got so hyped up about football games. I mean of course I was excited about the game too, but the rest of the school just took excitement to a whole other level.  

I walked into my 8th hour study hall and put my AirPods in, trying to drown out all the noise. Today hadn't been too bad. So far I hadn't thrown up, so that was a plus, but I was starting to feel the exhaustion from today catching up on me and my head hurt again.

I was hoping that if I could just rest in study hall I would feel better, or better enough to play tonight. I doubted it but gave it a shot anyway placing my head down on the desk, and drowning out the world with my music for the rest of the hour. When the bell rung, signaling the end of the school day, I walked to my locker and then met Asher at his, which was just a couple lockers down from mine.

"Hey." I said leaning against the locker next to his.

He looked up at me as he was trying to shove some books in his backpack, but he stopped when he saw me, his smile wavering. Guess I looked worse than I though. "Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Not too great. You got any Tylenol in your locker?" I asked.

My head was pounding and I ran out of Tylenol yesterday.

"Umm, I think so." He said as he began searching through his incredibly messy locker.

After searching his locker for a couple minutes he finally found it under a rotten banana peel. I didn't even know how his locker could get this bad, all I knew was that he needed to clean it out immediately.

"Thanks." I said, gratefully accepting the bottle of Tylenol.

"No problem, now we better get to practice otherwise coach is gonna chew us out." He said, shutting his locker.

I laughed and followed him to the locker room.


"You think we're going to win tonight?" Asher asked.

After me and Asher had changed we met up with Grayson and William. Now we were walking out to the field to practice and finish working out our plays before the big game.

"We better otherwise the whole school is gonna be hella disappointed." William said.

We all laughed. It was very true, we were playing Easton High and everybody knew they didn't have the strongest team, but it was still nerve racking, especially when the whole school was expecting you to win.

"I'm sure we'll do great." I said while we set our stuff down on the grass.

Ashton opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by coach calling the team over.

"Okay listen up it's game day, so I need everyone to focus. We've already went over all the strengths and weaknesses of Easton's team. We've went through all our plays, and have been playing pretty well all week, so none of you should be nervous tonight. You all just need to go out there and play your best. Now with that being said we've got things to do, so go start your warm ups!" Coach yelled.

We all whooped and cheered before running onto the field to warm up. When we finished we went through the plays for tonight and worked out strategies. 2 hours later we were all warmed up and ready to go. Coach sent us back to the locker room to do some team bonding/pregame rituals before the game started.

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