Oneshot #3 part three

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(Third Pov)

"Get away, Black! You're just pathetic." Draco spat to you, pissed by you trying to talk to him. You tried to convince him that you're sorry for not telling him that you're adopted by The Malfoy. Truth is, He knows.


Lucius obliviated him after he finds out.

"Dr—" you got cut off by Draco himself.

"i hope you die in this tournament." He speaks, before he walk past you. Your eyes widen, getting teary. All you feel is sadness, guilty, mad, regret.

You sighed, wipes your tears. You miss him. The memories, happy memories with him. But, what happened, is what you have to deal with.

You walk away from the place you stand before someone sees you. Gosh, if someone or anything sees you crying, it's gonna be embarrasing.

You walk to Gryffindor Common room, wanting to get a peaceful sleep.


You say the password and The Fat Lady smiles at you and opened the door. You bow to her and she laughs, you smiled, after the long day.

You walked in but not before saying goodbye to The Fat Lady. You looked around, Ron spotted you and smiled a little, You scoffs making him frown.

(no Ron slander allowed please 😺 ill tell ya when its allowed)

You try to walk to your dorm but blocked by the one and only, Harry James Potter. Your cousin and godbrother.

You scoff and try ro push him away but failed. You sighed annoyed "What do you want, Harry. Trying to get me on your side? No. I will not." you said to him. He shakes his head, frowning, looks up at you.

"No, not that...I-I just wanted to say im sorry and i miss you..please come back, "

You glare at him, narrow your eyes at him, you say "I don't come back after what you all did to me. You and your 'wise' friends can go away from me. Afterall, I'm a Mistake." and after that, you walk to your dorm.

You opened the door aggresively, enter, slammed it hard enough for everyone in the common room hears.

You can't hold the tears anymore. You let it all out. You cry so hard that you didnt notice a person is in the room with you. All they do is watch you cry.
All you want is just a comfort from Lucius and Narcissa. They are the one who knows you're a daugther of Remus and Sirus.

(They are good parents in this book because yeah)

You whisper quietly, holding your chest.

"Why can't i just live a normal life."

You hit your chest.

"why me?"

You hit your chest again.

"Why me?!"

You cry harder.

Until that person sits besides you, hugs you slowly.

You then got tense.

Who would hug you?

"Hey, I'm here, Don't have to worry, I've never judge you. You are the reason why i got friends" That person smiles, putting their head on your shoulder.

You....You are the reason?

That's not what you thought of, you got tense of who is hugging you.

"You sure.....Lavender?" you ask, putting your head on hers.

She nods

"I've been trying to be your friend but you're always with the slytherins. Might i add, they're scary." Shivers down her spine.

You laughed, forgets about the negativities from your life. Lavender smiles, happy she can make you laugh.


"Hey! I'm Pravati Patil! No way Y/n Malfoy wanna be my friend. That's so crazy!! Sorry.." Pravati nevously laughed, eating her bread, embarrased.

You laugh, you shake your head, You spat "It's fine, I may be a Malfoy but that doesn't mean i'm evil, i'm normal." you slightly smiled, eating your pancake.

"C'mon! We're gonna be late!" Lavender shakes your body, making you choke on your food.

"Oops, Sorry Y/n" Lavender laughs


"Turn to page 197, and write those words" Professor Snape told us, walking to his cauldron.


You ignore that, not knowing it's Ron.

A paper got thrown on your way. Ypu scoffs, looking at Ron. He smiles and gestured his hand for you to read the paper.

You sighs in defeat. Decided to read the paper.

As you read it, your eyes widen.

"The first task is Dragons."


Hi people, once i finish this book, i will continue my other book soon so yeah

Hermione Granger X Y/N (Female)  ♡Where stories live. Discover now