One shot #2

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A/n: mymione.  This little idiot asked me to do this. ABXUNDIEN

anyways this has been on my mind lately:

Why are yall reading this cringy shits.

Anywayssssssss LET'S GET INTO IT


This is the first day of hogwarts. Excited since you heard Hogwarts is gonna be your new home because you don't wanna stay at The bitch called Uncle Vernon, Since your brother is Harry Potter and you, Y/n Potter and both of you are the chosen ones.

You got a wand that is 11'5" inches wand, made out of Yew and Out of Phoenix feather like Harry's but mostly look like Voldermort's.

"Harry" You said, looking around the train station.

"Yes, Y/n?" Harry looked at you, also looking around to see where is 9¾ Platform at.

You saw a RedHead Family infront of a wall while Harry asked one of the muggles where is 9¾ Platform at.

You nudged Harry on the ribs, he flinched and looked at you.

"Look, Those people looks like they know where is 9¾ Platform at." You pointed respectfully at the red heads.

Harry nods, He brings his trunk to the red heads and you did as well.

"Uhh..miss? Do you know what is 9¾ Platform is?"

(Blah blah lets get to the train part)

Time skipped ;)

6th Year

You are with Hermione in the common room, doing homework and some light reading

"Hey Hermi-" you cut off by a certain someone...The one and only; Ron weasley Also known as her boyfriend. Oh boy, were you heartbroken when you heard the news. But nonetheless, she looks happy with ron so you dont wanna ruined it.

"Hello Mione, Y/n" He smiles at me and hermione. Not gonna lie, He is a really nice guy. You know you and Ron fought alot but you still love him.
When you met him, you knew he is always gonna be your second best brother. you still love Harold, its alright.

"Hey Ron"

"Hey love"

Ahh..A pain in your heart after hearing her calling him Love

It was supposed to be you.

You didnt notice that the couple infront of you kisses each other, Harry saw this and he shakes you lightly that makes you snapped back into the reality.

Harry always knew your crush with Hermione, He feel bad for you since Ron always said bad stuff to Hermione but Hermione still choose him over you.

You cleared you throat and say "I'm going to bed, im tired. Goodnight Harry" You faked your yawn. Harry knows what you are gonna do so he nodded and sighs.

Hermione pull away from the kiss with Ron, nodding. "Yeah, me too. Wait for m-"

"Mione, Please leave her alone. She needs some alone time, yeah?" Harry sighs and walks to his own room leaving Hermione Confused.

(While finding the horcrux Time)

You and hermione had been distance lately after you lefted hogwarts because she chose Ron over you.

And here you are.

You started to get heartless.

All you wanted is for you to die.

You are slowly losing hope because you know that you are gonna die anyways.

You heard a muffled curse. But before you can defend, You got hit by it.

And this is how you got to the malfoy manor. Screaming in pain while Hermione, Harry, Ron, Luna is watching you suffer with the Toturing curse.

You feel weak.

That's what is on your mind right now.

"Im weak. Weak."

Suddenly it's all white.

The Old memories in hogwarts, with Hermione, with Harry, With Ron.

You wished that they wouldn't watch you like this.

"Please let her go!"

"Stop toturing my only sister!"

"You are hurting Y/n!"

"Heh." You tsked. you opened your eyes weakly, Looking at Bellatrix.

"You thought." You smirks, You throwed a curse to Bellatrix.



Its bad 🏃🏃

Im updating again tmrrw

Hermione Granger X Y/N (Female)  ♡Where stories live. Discover now