October 28, 2013

423 10 5

A/N: They put Rob Zombie's Halloween on Netflix. You know what I'm doing now. I haven't seen it yet, but that will change soon. 

"We can't find D/B/F/N." 

"What do you mean, you can't find him? You're the F.B.I, aren't you?" You asked. 

"Yes. We sent some of the local police officers over in Davenport to check on him because we couldn't get a hold of him, and he's not there. His phone was at home, and so was his truck. We'll keep looking, and I promise we won't stop until we find him, but for now, you'll need to stay here." Spencer spoke softly, only to be interrupted by Aaron coming into the room. 

"Reid," He beckoned Spencer out of the room, and Spencer excused himself. 

It went a lot like how it went when Jennifer pulled him out of the room. Except Spencer came back into the room with a relieved look on his face. 

"We found him. Turns out, he just went on a walk. He's on his way right now." 

You sighed involuntarily and looked at Spencer, who was still standing. 

"Now what? Do we just wait?" You asked. 

"Well, we'll keep questioning your Uncle, try and interrogate Michael, and, for you, once the scene is cleared-- which shouldn't be long now-- we'll take you home, and we'll help you pack up your items, and we'll get some legal stuff situated when D/B/F/N gets here, and then you'll be on your way."  Spencer stood up. "For now, do you have a book in your bag you can read or something?" 

"No, I don't." 

"I'll have one of the officers at your house bring one over. Anything in particular?"


"Okay. You'll have your book in a bit." Spencer stood up and left, leaving you alone. 


You must have fallen asleep, because the next thing you knew, Jennifer was gently shaking your shoulder. 

"Y/N, they cleared your house. I'm going with you, to help you pack, okay?" She said. 

You nodded and stood up, wiping the sleep from your eyes. "What time is it?" 

"It's about four. D/B/F/N will be here in about an hour." Jennifer opened the door to the little board room and the two of you walked out into the evening air, where suddenly, you were bombarded by the press. 

"Y/N! Y/N, what's it like being family to Michael Myers?" 

"Y/N, is it true that Michael's your cousin?" 

"Y/N! Y/N, over here! Smile for the camera!" 


Camera flashes and microphones were shoved in your face, and people and their loud voices were up in your face. Suddenly, though, they were gone. 

"Hey, FBI! Back off!" Jennifer shouted, flashing her badge. 

Within seconds, all of the microphones were shoved under Jennifer's nose.

"Agent! Agent, can you tell us anything about the case?" 

"Agent, is it true that you have Michael Myers in custody?" 

"Agent! Agent! Agent, who's Y/N going to live with?" 

"Hey! Shut up!" Jennifer shouted. "Go bother somebody else! This is official F.B.I business! We'll tell you what we know when we're ready!" She opened the door to an SUV and you got in. She shoved her way through the reporters and got into her seat. 

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