October 22, 2013

533 14 6

A/N: So my favorite movie was taken off of where I watch it, so I had to order the disc. Guess who's going to watch Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho an inordinate amount of times this week? Yes, it's me. 

Cooper had the time of his life running away. He definitely didn't comprehend what was happening, but that was probably for the better. Besides, what could he do about it? He was a puppy. 

You didn't really know where you were going. To the woods? Yeah, that was probably a safe bet. But, what about Michael? What if you ran into him? What would happen to Cooper? Or, what if you ran into the next town over and made your way out of state? Russellville was close to the Illinois-Iowa boarder. Someone could help you there. Out of state, no one would know who you were. 

But, what about K-9 Units? Search units? Helicopters, things like that. Would they even bother to use those? 

Going out of state was your best bet. 

As you approached the woods that held the long stretch of road between the two towns, you pulled a sharp right and ducked beside a house on the edge. You were winded. Not only had you been sprinting for a while, but you were also aching. During your run, you had rolled your ankle on a stray rock, and your ankle throbbed. 

You sat there for a good ten minutes. You had almost considered going back and towards the police station, but then, you heard the sirens. U/N had gotten to the first. You crawled more towards the back of the house, and peaked your head out just in time to see several police cars zoom down the street. If you did change your mind about going to the station, you'd be lucky if anybody was still there. It looked like the whole department had just gone down the street. Plus, there was still the FBI. You saw four Black SUV's right behind the police, and you assumed (correctly) that it was, indeed, the FBI. 

After you could no longer hear the sirens, you took your backpack off and grabbed the first aid kit. You wrapped your ankle tightly with the elastic bandage. It didn't really do much, but it would provide some stability. You also popped a painkiller, choking slightly on it due to  the lack of water, which you had forgotten to grab. 

Sighing, you packed up your backpack again and headed into the woods, only with a slight limp. 


You stayed away from the road. You didn't want to be seen until you were in Russellville. You could still see the road, but you ducked down whenever you heard a car coming. Mostly, it was business cars, like plumbers or milkmen. Some garbagemen, but that was mostly it. Every now and then, some kids on bikes would pass, but they didn't see you. How do you know? Because they were chasing after a dog. 

You continued this process for a good hour longer before you saw a familiar car going towards Haddonfield. It was a Tan For. 

You immediately ran towards the road. 

"Sam!" You screamed. "Sam, stop!" 

The car stopped suddenly, and Sam got out, a flabbergasted look on his face. "Y/N?" He called out. "What are you doing out here? When did you get a dog?" 

"I'll explain everything, I promise. I need you to do something for me first, though." You ran up to Sam, and Cooper curiously sniffed at Sam's ankles. 


"I need you do take me to a motel in Iowa. I don't care which one, just a motel out of state." 

Sam considered this for a moment. 

"Where are Mr. and Mrs. G/L/N?" 

"I don't know. I'll explain everything, like I said." You looked up at Sam. "Do we have a deal?" 

"Yes, of course. Uh, please, get in the car." Sam gestured to the passenger door and hopped in the drivers' seat. "Now, what in God's name are you doing out here?"


"So, basically, an AMBER alert went off for you, but the date was for when you came to Haddonfield, not for today. Your uncle started acting weird, and you got frightened. You were already suspicious of him, so you packed a bag and ran. The only thing you didn't explain is the dog." Sam hinted. 

You sighed. "Cooper was a birthday gift. Michael gave him to me. I tried to ask about it, and he said it was for protection. Apparently, he'd overheard a conversation about my family or the house or something, but he wouldn't tell me exactly what. So, he gave me Cooper for protection. Personally, I think it's so that he's not so compelled to come over and watch us." 

Sam tapped his fingers against the wheel. "But, Michael hates-" 

"Dogs, I know. I wondered about it, too, which is why I gave you my theory." You interrupted. "It didn't add up."  

Sam didn't reply. Instead, he pulled the car over and looked at you. 

"Why were you afraid of your uncle?" 

You pulled Cooper from the floor onto your lap. "I can't show you right now; there's not enough space here."

"If I get you to the motel, will you show me?" Sam asked. 

"Yes. There'll be more than enough room there, and enough time, too." 

"Well, then, I guess I have to get you to the motel. If you truly did fear for your safety, than I'm sure it was for the best that you ran. Although, you are a minor, so you know that someone will have to report this to the police. Although, I'm sure that it's already been reported, you need to be returned home." 

"Sam, I can't go back. Once we get to a motel, you'll understand everything." 

Sam let out a heavy sigh. Obviously, he wanted to know now, but Sam was a patient man. He knew that if you weren't tell telling him something, it had to be either very important, or very dangerous. 

Sam didn't know that it was both. 

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