October 17, 2013

727 18 29

A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates. I had a huge Latin project for school. I had to make a menu in Latin, and I called it 'Magnus Hannibalis', which is 'Big Hannibal's' in English. Of course, I put Lamb Chops and Fava beans on the menu!

"You... You took.." You stammered

"I took my mask off."

"Yeah... Yeah, you did. May I ask, why?"

"Safer to do it here than out there." He gestured to the rainy exterior, where a large group of children and some very tired adults marched down the street, heading into the town.

"But- but, my aunt and uncle are downstairs!"

"Not for long."

"What?!" You shouted, thinking you caught Michael's drift.

"No, seriously. It's their anniversary today. I heard them say they were going to go see a movie and spend the rest of the day out together."

"Oh, thank God. I thought you meant-"

"Y/N? Who are you shouting at?" Uncle U/N knocked at your door and rattled the doorknob.

Quickly, you shoved Michael into your closet (with some struggle due to his build) and leaned against it.

"Y/N? Is everything okay?" Uncle U/N opened the door and looked at you.

"Me? Oh, oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just a huge plot-twist in a book I'm reading. I just didn't see it coming at all." You lied, waving a dismissing hand. "You never see a murder coming unless it's a Stephen King book."

"Oh. Well, me and your aunt are going out. We'll be back later, probably around eleven thirty or so. I don't want you leaving the house, alright? If you do, call me, and don't go farther than the 7-11 off of Crest Pine and 13th, okay?"

"Yeah, sure. Have fun. For dinner, should I just make a sandwich?" You inquired, knowing full well it was only about nine-thirty in the morning.

"We'll leave some money on the counter. Order a pizza."

Oh, so you get the house to yourself all day, no one to bother you, and a pizza. The day was starting to look up.

"Oh, and one more thing. Sherriff Morgan is gonna drop by later to talk to you about the whole Sanitarium thing. He'll be here for a while, so, be nice and... oh, just try to sound smart. You know, not sarcastic or anything. Please?" He explained.

His comment stung slightly, but you nodded anyways.

"Thanks, kid. See you later." He shut your bedroom door and you stumbled out of the way as Michael came crashing out of the closet.

"I don't fit."

"Yeah, no duh. Hope you didn't bust it, or I'm gonna be dead meat." You grumbled, inspecting the hinges on the closet.

"I came here for a reason."

"Yeah, well, I hope it wasn't just to break through my closet."

"I need help."

"With what? Learning how to fit in a closet?"

"Will you stop talking about the closet? I really do need your help."

"My question still stands."

"I need you to help me get Laurie."

"I can't. Your sister, she's, uh-"

"Dead, I know. But, I know where she is."

"Well, I'd hope she's six feet under the ground by now." You turned from your (somehow uninjured) closet to face Michael.

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