October 19, 2013

639 15 24

A/N: I saw a video of an octopus punching a fish straight into the next ocean. Best thing I saw all day, and I saw Kurt Cobain smiling on my Pinterest. 

The next morning, you woke up and saw a note taped to your door. Half expecting it to be Michael, you glanced at your window. It was locked. 

Satisfied with that fact that there was a slim chance that it was from Michael, you took the note from the door and began to read. 

We've gone into the city for some matters that you don't need to worry about. We'll probably be back around seven. Don't eat dinner, we'll pick up food on the way back. I've left a list of things I need you to do today. There's  not much, don't worry. I've left you my credit card, so don't worry about money. 
I know I was harsh last night, but I do think dating is something we should talk about. Please know that I still love you, but some things are not under your control. 
Love you!
-Aunt A/N and Uncle U/N

A list? What, did you have to buy a house, groceries, a dog, and mow the yard? Deciding to look at the list after you ate your breakfast and had time to wake up a bit, you headed down to the kitchen and toasted some chocolate chip waffles. 

The list wasn't as complicated as you thought it was. You did have to buy some groceries, but everything else was really just household stuff. Vacuum, dishes, take out the trash, sweep off the driveway to get rid of the leaves, and another note. 

I'm giving you permission to go up into the attic. Don't stay long, I don't want you to inhale or swallow any insulation. There's crushed-up glass in it, and it can get stuck in your throat. Grab the few boxes labeled 'Halloween' and bring them down. They have Halloween decorations in them. We'll put them up after your birthday. Once you get them down, set them in the garage, please.
-Aunt A/N 

After you showered and dressed, you got to work. The weather made the tasks seem easier, less boring. The sunlight that streamed through the window showed you exactly where all the dust was on the floor, which made it easier to know what you had already cleaned. The sunlight reflecting on the dishes revealed even the smallest bits of food that hadn't been entirely removed. It told you what needed to be rewashed, and what could be put away. Being outside with the sun just made you feel a bit better. Sun always does that, doesn't it? 

Whilst you swept the driveway, you saw Sherriff Morgan. He was walking a German Shepherd, and he wasn't in his official-looking sunglasses. 

"Hello, Sherriff!" You called out to him. 

"Hey, kid. You draw the short straw?" He asked, walking up to you. 

"Nah, just chores. Who's your friend?" You gestured to the happy dog, who sat (like a very good boy) next to Sherriff Morgan.

"This is Clooney. Clooney, meet Y/N." 

Clooney held up his paw, as if he was waving. You laughed. You had never seen a dog wave before. 

"Cute. How old is Clooney?" 

"He turns four in a couple days. You have fun with your chores, kid." Sherriff Morgan smiled at you and left. 

A/N: I have no clue what kind of dog Clooney is or how old he is. I'm just judging by the shape of him from 'Secrets and Lies'. Plus, Morgan totally looks like he'd have a German Shepherd. Either that, or a Black Lab. A bigger dog, I guess. 

You finished sweeping up the driveway, curious about how Sherriff Morgan managed to teach a dog how to wave. You hoped to see more of Clooney, he seemed very nice. 

All that was left to do now was get down the Halloween decorations.


You intended to be done with the attic within ten minutes, judging by the pile of boxes that were labeled 'HALLOWEEN'. Fifteen, if they were heavy. You hoped that Aunt A/N and Uncle U/N were really into Halloween. Like, putting up fake cobwebs, and spiders and stuff that jumps out at people, fake blood, maybe even a fake body. You'd never spent a Halloween with them. 

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