40 - Redamancy

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"You're going to love this last room so much, Namjoon-ah." Hoseok giggles with Taehyung as you lead the pack to the last wing of the mansion.

"I still don't think it's a good idea to introduce this room to him. He'll never leave once he sees it," the tiger hybrid jokes.

The rest of the pack, especially the pack leader himself, cast confused glances in your direction as you approach the familiar set of double French doors.

"Welcome, to my grandfather's office," you introduce with a small, anticipating smile. Just as you had imagined, all of the pack members who have yet to see this room let out collective gasps. At one point, you swear you can see the stars twinkling in Namjoon's eyes specifically.

"Now this, is what I call a home office," Yoongi murmurs in disbelief.

"It looks just like one of the home offices I used to see on TV," Seokjin adds as he begins to venture around, glancing at the different books lined up on the bookshelves. 

"I feel like I'm in paradise," Namjoon says with a sigh of content. "You're right, Tae. It's going to take a lot to get me to leave tonight."

"I hope not," Jimin sasses. "I want to eat dinner soon - I'm hungry."

"We'll get you your dinner, foxy. Don't worry about it," you giggle while walking over to the fox hybrid to leave a soft peck on his cheek. You don't miss the longing glance a certain panther hybrid casts you, but you decide to ignore it for now - opting to play with Jungkook for just a little longer. In all honestly, it's fun riling him up like this.

"This is such an amazing home. I can't imagine what it must have been like to live here," Taehyung comments, sneaking over to you so that he can take you by your hand and lead you to the center of the room where there are a few couches for guests to sit on. "There's a room for almost anything you can ever think of. I would never leave."

As the rest of the pack finds empty spots on the couches, you cast a glance over towards the desk right in front of the floor-to-ceiling window looking out into the backyard. A small reminiscent smile forms on your lips when you see images of your grandfather working at his desk while you doodled at the coffee table in front of the couches.

"It was a dream," you shrug as you think of the distant memories. "But sometimes it felt a little lonely. My grandparents and their staff definitely put in the effort to make this place feel like a home and not just a big mansion. However, on some of the quieter nights, I couldn't help but feel like something was missing. It just felt like the property wasn't being used to its full potential for some reason. And that feeling still sits with me to this day."

"Maybe because the mansion is just so big. I mean, the backyard itself is acres upon acres of land - it's bound to feel a little empty at times," Yoongi reasons.

"That's true," you nod. "But I always thought it was missing residents. I'm fairly certain one of the reasons why my grandparents bought this specific property was to be able to have family stay over if they ever needed to. Unfortunately, no one ever did and I just think they never downsized."

"I would have stayed here if I had known Mr. Han sooner and he offered," Jungkook murmurs.

"Do you want to stay here tonight?" you joke.

"Will you stay here with me?"

"No, I think I'm going to go back to my apartment tonight," you smirk.

"Boo, you're no fun," the panther pouts.

"Well, back to what I was saying - I'm hoping that by selling this property, it'll find the right residents," you sigh in defeat.

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