12 - Dessert

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"Oh, you're finally back!"

"I thought you guys would never come back!"

"How did everything go?"

The moment you, Yoongi, and Jimin step out into the clearing, you're bombarded by questions flying at you left and right.

"I thought Y/N had brought you two to the nice house she was talking about and ditched us all here by ourselves," Taehyung continues with his dramatic antics as he runs up to his fellow '95 line partner in crime and links their arms together cutely.

"You didn't really think I would do that, right?" you chuckle, knowing very well the tiger hybrid is only joking around.

"No, because we all know that I'm your favorite so you would never leave me here with the rest of them," the older male retorts with a wink.

"Oh, please," Yoongi scoffs with an eye roll.

"By the way, Chim," Taehyung changes the subject, paying no attention to the grumbling snow leopard hybrid. "Why do you smell sweet?"

"I do?" the fox hybrid asks unsurely as his tongue quickly darts out to swipe at his bottom lip subconsciously.

"Yeah," the younger male nods eagerly while leaning in closer to his packmate to sniff at the corner of his lips carefully. "You smell vaguely of sugar and cinnamon."

"That's because Y/N treated us to some delicious desserts on the way back from the meeting," Yoongi answers Taehyung's interrogative questions.

"Desserts? What kind of desserts?" Hoseok joins in on the conversation from where he's currently braiding delicate flower crowns for the two panther hybrids to wear. Your heart nearly melts at the adoring sight of Jungkook lounging on the grass against the pack leader - both of whom are in their animal forms.

"I stopped to buy some churros when I found out that you guys have never had any," you say, making your way closer to where the rest of the pack is gathered at the center. "In fact, I bought you all some churros too."

"Kookie! I'm not done with your crown yet! It's going to fall apart if you go running around like that," Hoseok suddenly yelps. When you crane your neck to look at the commotion, you turn just in time to see Jungkook, in his human form, barreling towards you at full speed with a dainty flower crown placed lopsidedly on the top of his head.

"I heard you bought us some dessert," the pack's youngest smiles at you cutely while slinging an arm around your shoulders when he finally reaches you.

"Gosh, Kook," Seokjin clicks his tongue disapprovingly as he approaches the two of you, only to reach a hand out to pinch at the black panther hybrid's ear. Jungkook immediately whines in discomfort at the sudden pressure and tries to use his other hand to swat at the eldest's hand. "You could at least greet her before you talk about the dessert she bought you."

"Hi, Y/N," Jungkook smiles sheepishly. "What's a churro?"

"It's deep-fried dough coated with sugar and cinnamon. It's very delicious," you explain as you begin to unpack the takeout bag with said desserts. "You can either eat them in their original flavor, or you can also dip them in this chocolate sauce they gave us."

You watch in anticipation as everyone in the pack approaches the desserts and grabs a churro to try. Just as you recommended, some of them nibble on their desserts to taste the original flavor first. Others jump straight into dipping their dessert into the chocolate sauce. You can't help but feel a wave of warmth spread throughout your body when their eyes light up in delight and they continue to eat their churros with happy smiles on their faces.

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