8 - Misunderstanding

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When you finally turn the iPad around to show the boys the screen, their jaws instantly slack. The blueprint shining in front of them displays a large modern house, big enough to fit all seven of them and maybe a few additional guests. Just looking at the digital sketch itself, it's evident your grandfather hired the best of the best architects to create the best of the best houses.

"Someone pinch me - I think I'm dreaming," Hoseok mumbles, voice barely above a whisper. You're tempted to coo at his adorable reaction but you flinch suddenly when the red panda hybrid shrieks softly, followed by the quiet snicker from a particular black panther hybrid.

"Wish granted," Jungkook shrugs nonchalantly with a lazy grin curving on his lips.

"I didn't mean for you to actually pinch me," the older hybrid whines but Jungkook simply turns to high five Taehyung who is also sporting the same lazy grin as the pack's youngest.

"T-this is for us?" Jimin asks unsurely, with an eyebrow quirked, bringing your attention back to the rest of the group still staring at the blueprint. For the first time, the fox hybrid turns his head to look at you with an unguarded expression. Just from looking at his eyes alone, you can tell he's feeling quite overwhelmed.

"It's all for your pack, and I'm going to make sure that this blueprint becomes a reality," you nod once in a firm confirmation.

"Wait, wait, wait," Namjoon chants softly with a gentle shake of his head. "As much as we would love to accept this wonderful offer, I don't think we - I don't think I can. This is too much."

"Why? You don't like the house? I can ask them to sketch up another design. What style of housing do you like? Do you want a Victorian-style house? A cottage structure to match the forest setting? Or perhaps art deco? The '20s honestly had some of the best designs I've ever seen-"

"No, it's not that we don't like the house. It's beautiful - truly," Namjoon cuts you off in a rush.

"It's just that we can't find it within ourselves to just openly accept this house. We literally didn't do anything to deserve this house," Yoongi adds to help the pack leader formulate his thoughts.

"But that's the thing," you shake your head in refute. "You guys don't need to do anything to deserve this house because you guys already deserve it. I may not know your individual stories, but I can tell you've suffered enough because of how humans think they can treat hybrids as lesser beings."

"Y/N," Seokjin tries to interject gently and you can tell by the look in his eyes exactly what he's thinking about.

"Please don't misinterpret my adamance of building this house as an act of pity. I'm not doing this because I feel bad for you guys, but rather because I want to see you guys succeed. It's so difficult for hybrids to do anything by themselves in our society even though it's completely legal - not to mention the Hybrid Protection Act that was passed three years ago to 'help' integrate equality. Yet, the systemic discrimination that still takes place in our day-to-day lives makes it nearly impossible for hybrids to find jobs and to buy houses - let alone peacefully run errands without getting verbally, emotionally, and or physically harassed," you continue. "So I'm hoping that by building this house, I can relieve some of the troubles you would've had to face. This way, you guys can focus on finding a job, if you wish, or just doing anything that you want to do without having to worry about a safe place to live."

When you finish your small speech, the pack of seven remains silent for a few minutes. Judging by the looks on their faces, everyone is trying their best to take in and process everything you just said.

"You really are my angel," Taehyung sighs dreamily, breaking the silence first. The tiger hybrid then maneuvers himself until he can comfortably hug you with his arms hanging loosely around your waist.

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