6 - Hidden Messages

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"Wallet, keys, iPad,-"

The sudden ringtone cutting through your apartment stops you from continuing through your mental checklist. You let out an irritated huff as you glance down at the phone screen to check the caller.

You were just about to head out to visit the pack, but it seems as if your mother has some other plans for you since she never calls just to check-in. There's always an ulterior motive behind her phone calls.

"Hi, Mother," you answer the call, voice in a steady monotone.

"Y/N," she responds curtly and you can almost envision the stiff nod that almost always accompanies her bland greetings. "Are you free right now?"

Your body unwillingly tenses at her seemingly harmless question and a tiny voice in the back of your head begins to ramble in a panic. Perhaps it's just a mere coincidence she called just as you're about to visit the pack. But what if she already knew about them? Then does she know you've met a pack of hybrids living on one of Grandfather's many plots of land? If she does, then that means she also found out about your grandfather's 'fake" will.

"I was just about to head out to attend to some business," you mumble while shifting your weight in between your feet uneasily.

"Business? Is it your job? I thought you said they always give you Saturdays off. Does this mean you're underperforming-" she presses.

"-No! It's just personal business," you quickly interject, but you instantly wince in regret when your panicked tone echoes through your apartment. "Like running errands and whatnot."

"Oh, very well then. That's perfect, actually."

Ah, there it is.

Her voice teeters on the edge of being chirpy and nonchalant - a bad mixture that sends instant chills down your spine.

"Stop by our house when you're done. Your father and I have some things we want to discuss with you."

"Shit," you curse under your breath with your eyes screwed shut tightly.

"What was that? Speak up a little louder. I couldn't catch what you just said," your mother chides.

"May I know what this discussion pertains to? I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it today," you sigh as your brain tries its best to think of an excuse to get you out of this dreaded situation. The day is still early, just barely before lunchtime. You intend on spending your free time with the pack - not with your parents in the uncomfortably pristine mansion you used to call home. 

"Why is that? You just said you're running errands. You can't possibly have that many errands to run. You live by yourself in that apartment of yours. It's not like you have a boyfriend or family to tend to."

"Well I may have fallen behind on grocery shopping last week," you mutter unconvincingly.

"Are you sure? I thought you had a great schedule worked out for yourself? You're not falling behind on work are you?" Your mother continues to prod.

"What I have planned for myself is none of your concern. Just know that I'll be a while," you snap out of irritation.

"Fine," she huffs. "Your father and I just want to talk about your grandfather's will."

Upon hearing her words, your blood runs cold and your palms begin to feel clammy with nervous cold sweat.

"Grandfather's will? What about it?"

"C'mon, Y/N. Don't act dumb," she scoffs incredulously.

"I truly have no clue what you possibly want to discuss. Grandfather clearly stated that he donated all of his assets and inheritances. Clean and simple; end of discussion."

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