Chapter 49

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Here it is. This is the final chapter in Chase and Lindsey's story. *tear*

I sincerely hope you enjoy it. Let me know in the comments what you think. One more important A/N will be posted at the end.      


Come on, T.J., you've got this!

No! He missed the net. Shit! I hurry toward the puck, keeping it away from our rivals. I whip around the back of the net. This is our chance. I bring my stick back and line up my shot. The vibration from the stick hitting the puck is thrumming through my body as I wait to see if my timing was right.

Everything seems to move in slow motion as the puck slides forward. The goalie is sinking down to the ice. Did I give it enough power? Is it going fast enough? I exhale as I hear the puck tink against the bottom frame of the net.

I did it!

The loud sound of a buzzer solidifies it. We got the goal! We've won! I hear the announcers overhead. "The Cobras win the championship!"

The entire arena erupts as the rest of our teammates flood the ice. Everyone is going crazy. Our fans are cheering for us louder than I've ever heard them. The guys are all fist-bumping and hugging each other. The entire coaching staff is out here with us, joining in the mass celebration.

I'm pulled into a bear hug. "We fucking did it, man! We fucking did it!"

I clamp my arms around Liam's shoulders and return his hug with equal excitement. "Hell, yeah, we did!"

When we've all had time to congratulate one another, we make our way down to the other end of the ice and form a line to shake hands with our opponents. They played a great game out there tonight. I can't help but have a tremendous amount of respect for these guys.

When I make my way down to the team captain, we shake hands before he pulls me in for a quick hug. "You guys gave us hell out there tonight, but we couldn't have lost to a better team. Congrats, man!"

I thank him then make my way to the edge of the rink where several news crews are waiting. They swarm me and ask for a statement about how it felt to score the winning goal. Some ask what my plans are now that we've played the final game of the season. One asks if there is anything at all that could make this moment better.

That question catches me off guard, but I recover quickly. What could make this moment better? I smile as I think of the only thing in the world that could possibly make this moment better. I look into the stands and find Lindsey. Yep, there's my answer, right there.

I flash a quick smile to the reporter before turning back toward my girl. She, Taylor, and Mel are all staring down at me. I lift my arm up and wave them down to the ice. Lindsey's face is turning pink, and she stands there frozen to the spot. Her eyes are growing wider by the second. I continue waving them down and nod encouragingly.

Tay and Mel start to usher Lins toward me. The mega screen overhead is focused on me as they make their way to the ice. The crowd begins to quiet down, wondering what is happening. After the girls reach the spot just outside the rink, I push through the reporters and step off the ice.

I pull Lins into a big hug before glancing over to Taylor. She nods to me as she starts digging in her bag. A few seconds later, she pulls out the small box that I asked her to hold for me before I left this morning.

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