Chapter 22

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I have 15 minutes to finish getting ready and head downstairs to the car that 'guy from work' sent for me. At least, that's what Liam thinks. Chase and I didn't want to send my brother to an early grave by telling him the truth- that we were sneaking around behind his back and going on a date with each other tonight.

I have a strong feeling that would go over horribly. He never wanted me to date any of his hockey friends back in high school and college, and he's made it abundantly clear how he feels about me dating a pro athlete. In his words, hell would freeze over before he'd let that happen.

Taylor says he's just being overprotective and thinks he's saving her from heartbreak at the hands of one of his womanizing teammates. But not all of the guys are like that, according to Taylor, Liam and Chase in particular. She tells me Chase has changed, and he is sincere about his feelings for me. And I've decided I'm not going to hold his past against him, so tonight, I'm taking a leap and hoping I don't fall flat on my face when all is said and done.

He's been nothing but good to me so far, and I want to see where things can go between us. I'm ignoring that voice of doubt in the back of my mind that keeps telling me to be careful. I'm tired of being careful. I want to be daring, and serving my heart on a platter for Chase may be reckless, but I'm going to go for it. Whatever consequences come from it, I'll just have to deal.

Taylor helps me put the finishing touches on my look for tonight and smiles as she tells me to spin around and take a look in the mirror. My eyes widen as I look at my reflection. I look hot!

The dress Taylor helped me pick out looks amazing. It's black with long sleeves made of lace and a moderate v neck that shows just enough cleavage, and it stops just below my mid-thigh. I've paired the dress with new black pumps that make my legs look stunning. My hair is loose and falls in waves down my back, and my makeup is subtle with a nice smokey eye to complete the look.

Taylor is beaming at me in the mirror. "Girl! You look so hot! Your hot date won't be able to keep his paws off you."

I turn around to face her. "You think so?"

"I know so." She hands me my coat and clutch and starts shooing me toward the door. "Now, let's get you out of here so you can get this date going."

I step out of the bedroom and wave bye to Liam as I pass him in the living room.

He grunts at me then does a double-take when he sees what I'm wearing. "Uh, Lins, where's the rest of your dress?"

I roll my eyes and ignore him. He goes to stand up to try to stop me from leaving, but Taylor steps in and pushes him back with a hand to his chest and a stern glare.

"Liam, the dress is fine." She looks over her shoulder at me. "Have a great time, Lins. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." She sends me off with a wink as she keeps my brother from launching himself between me and my exit.

I make my way to the elevator and try to steady my heart as I get closer and closer to the first floor. I'm so nervous about tonight. Everything has been going so great with Chase. I guess I just don't want anything to mess it up.


I look up as the elevator doors open. Taking one more steadying breath, I walk out into the lobby and head for the doors. The car Chase is in is parked right out front.

Okay, girl, you got this. Tonight is going to be spectacular.

I feel the cold night air kiss my skin as I take a few steps outside. Looking straight ahead, I come closer to the car. A few more steps, and I'll be inside with Chase. The driver comes around and opens the door for me, and I make my way inside.

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