Chapter 21

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It's been a week since that incredible night with Lindsey. The team has been traveling for the last several games. We've been kicking ass, winning all but one game, but I miss my girl. I've talked to her every night before bed, mostly when Liam is in the shower- he and I room together when we travel, which makes talking to Lindsey difficult. I have to be careful when I call her- don't want him to start asking questions about who I'm talking to late at night.

When we can't talk, we text. The conversations start out innocent enough but usually turn flirty fairly quickly and end with one or both of us sending racy pics. I'm sitting on my bed, so immersed in one of those conversations that I don't notice Liam has come into the room. I have a cheesy smile plastered on my face as I type my spicy response to what she just sent me- some innuendo about her being too hot to wear her top layers of clothes.

I can just imagine her removing those layers while looking right in my eyes...oh, the things I would do...

I hear a chuckle. "Who are you cheesing over, huh?"


I snap my eyes, now wide as saucers, to Liam, trying to think of a smart reply as I hide my phone screen in my chest. "Uh, what? Nothing, man, just saw a funny video."

"Suuurre man, what video? If it was that funny, I wanna see." He calls my bluff.

"Uh, I- uh- I already scrolled and lost it, sorry, dude."

He looks at me smugly. "Yeah, okay, whatever you say." I thank my lucky stars he's willing to drop it.

"Tell whoever she is, your roommate says hi! And please don't have phone sex while I'm in the room. I don't care if I'm sleeping; just wait til we get back home, and you two can do whatever perverted shit you want in your own space." He laughs, and my jaw drops to the floor.

I think all the color has drained from my face. Is my jaw still attached to my body? Shit, he knows I'm talking to a girl, but obviously, he doesn't know who- thank God! If he only knew! I'd be a dead man right now.

As I try to formulate a response to Liam- any response- my phone buzzes twice with incoming messages. Both from his sister.

"You better not keep her waiting, bro." A shit-eating grin spreads across his face.

Yeah, better not keep your sister waiting.

I gulp and let out a shaky breath and risk a look at the messages. Fuck, she sent pictures. The panic must be painted on my face.

Liam shakes his head, "don't worry, dude, I won't ask you to share with the class. I'm going to sleep anyway. Just remember what I said." He rolls over and shuts off the light by his bed.

He is going to kill me when he finds out.

Yep, I'm a dead man. No way in hell was I letting anyone see these pictures, least of all her freaking brother! If he had tried to look, I would have been out a phone because I would have launched this thing straight out the hotel window.

Luckily, she was smart enough not to include her face in them, but still, there is a very nice view of her cleavage, barely covered by a thin lacy bra and another to showcase her matching panties.

I am a very bad man.

I shouldn't be doing this with Liam in the room. I shouldn't be looking at these pictures thinking the things that I am knowing that it's his little sister, but I can't help it. She started a fire inside of me, and I have no desire to put it out any time soon or at all.

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