Chapter 9

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What the hell happened last night?

Chase was totally flirting with me. Wasn't he? I mean, he kept leaning in real close to talk to me. At one point, we were so close I could feel his hot breath on my face. If either of us had moved in just a little closer, our lips would have touched. Is that what he wanted?

He told Val off in front of everyone. He was sitting as close to me as he could- giving me most of his attention. That has to mean something. Does he want a relationship with me, does he just want to flirt with me, or does he just want a night in the sheets? I hope he wants more than just one night with me, but his reputation is pretty sketchy on the relationship front- if you can even call his past endeavors relationships.

I have no idea what he wants from me. And I am all too aware what I want from him. When our hands touched, I felt sparks fly. That little bit of contact turned my brain to mush. I couldn't even make out a complete sentence, for goodness' sake! I don't even know what I was trying to convey to him. So, in typical Lindsey Barnett fashion, I bolted as soon as we got back from the bar. I didn't even glance his way- took the coward's way out.

I know I'll have to face him at some point today and say something about what happened. What am I supposed to say? "Oh, hey Chase, I know you're used to hanging out with super-hot models and superficial bunnies and those types, but I've had a crush on you since I saw you. We should go out sometime." Or maybe, "Hey Chase, I want you to warm my sheets and make me your girlfriend." Yeah, that won't make me sound desperate and clingy. Not at all...

Maybe he forgot all about what happened last night.

I really hope he did because I need coffee, and I'm pretty sure I hear him out in the kitchen. Well, here goes nothin'- hope I don't say something stupid. As I turn the corner to the kitchen, I stop dead in my tracks. I expected to see Chase or Liam standing there hovering over the coffee pot. That's not at all who I see. I think I forgot how to breathe.

I can't tear my eyes from the person standing in the middle of the kitchen with their back to me. They haven't heard me yet. Maybe I can back away before they turn around. I just need to move slow and stay silent. I start to turn away just as they turn to face me.

As the mysterious stranger sees me, they exclaim, "Oh, shit! I didn't hear anyone come in." I am now staring into the face of a freaking goddess.

Seriously? Do all the women of New York look like this? Or is it just the ones around the hockey team?

She's shorter than me, maybe 5'4", flawless skin, perfectly sculpted body, big hazel eyes, and long dark hair pulled into a ponytail. She's dressed like she's about to head to the gym in her dark leggings and a sports bra that showcases just how perfect she is. Unlike Val and her sidekick, this girl didn't have to see a plastic surgeon to look this way. Of course not; she's naturally perfect. And, on top of all that, she's tatted. Yep, one on her ribs and one on her shoulder blade. What man could resist?

As I stand there gaping, she levels me with a perfect smile, "Hi! I'm Jenna. You must be Lindsey. Chase and Liam told me you were coming."

Great! If I thought I didn't stand a chance with Chase before, this just confirmed it. He's had conversations with this woman about me. And she's here in his kitchen first thing in the morning. I bet she came over after I bolted and locked myself away in Liam's room last night. She's probably the reason he wants nothing to do with Val. Why settle for plastic when natural perfection is a viable option.

I'm still standing in front of her awkwardly but manage to nod in agreement that I am, in fact, Lindsey. Her smile somehow widens, "I've heard so much about you! I hope you like it here so far."

Damn! She actually sounds sincere. Not like when I first met Val and Jenn...

I snap out of my stupor, "Wait! Your name is Jenna? There are two of you?"

Her smile starts to fade, "Ah, you've met evil Jenna, huh? I'm guessing you've met Val too?"

I give her a perplexed look, "Yeah, I've met Val and um evil Jenna?" I must sound stupid right now.

Jenna laughs, "That's just what I call her. My way of differentiating the two of us; I'm the 'good Jenna,' she's the 'evil Jenna.' I'd rather not be confused with her. She has kind of a messy reputation. It was confusing for the guys on the team too, so most just call me by my last name."

I tilt my head, "Call you by your last name?"

As she starts to answer, Liam and Chase filter into the kitchen. Liam sees her first, "Welcome back, Taylor! We've missed you around here! I see you two are getting acquainted."

What the fuck! This is Taylor? Roommate Taylor?

He gives her a big hug. "Lins, you remember me telling you about Justin's sister, right? This is her!"

"Uh, yeah, right. Justin's sister." I don't remember that at all.

Chase leans in for a quick hug, "Yeah, we could have used your backup at the bar a few times, Tay."

My mind is spinning. All this time, I wasn't expecting Taylor, the mysterious third roommate, to be a female. I just assumed that Chase and Liam were rooming with another man, but here we are. I'm still grappling with my thoughts when Jenna, wait, should I call her Taylor? Anyway, Jenna Taylor asks Chase, "Val and her floozy?"

Chase nods, "Yeah, they've been pretty shitty to Lindsey every time we go."

Liam adds, "They seem extra nasty these days."

She shakes her head, "Well, next time they try something, I'll be there. I'm not afraid to knock them down a peg or two. They need to grow the fuck up." She looks at me, "Don't worry, girl, those two are all bark and no bite. I've got your back." I'm hit with another dazzling smile from Taylor.

As the three roomies catch up, I find myself drifting back into my rabbit hole of confusion. Just how close are the guys with Taylor? Are they really just roommates, or is there something more going on? Was I just a distraction for Chase until she got back? Is she the reason he turned Val away? Is she the reason he hasn't had a tabloid posted about him in a while (other than the one about Val)?

The more I dote on it, the less confident I am that I have any chance whatsoever with Chase. I was wrong earlier. She isn't just some girl he brought to his bed late last night; she's his freaking roommate. A very attractive roommate who feels comfortable enough around him to walk around wearing only leggings and a sports bra. A roommate who has, so far, been nothing but kind to me.

And she intimidates the absolute shit out of me. 

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