Chapter 10

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A few years later, everything seemed to be going fine for (y/n). He finally decided to go into his mothers room and sort through her stuff. From what he would keep and what he would donate to homeless shelters and other people in need. He didn't keep any clothes, he had enough of his own and figured other people could make more use of them. (y/n) donated bedding and pillows as well. He asked around at shelters and other towns people if anyone would need a bed, soon he found someone who could use it. He made sure everything was cleaned properly for donating. (y/n) kept photos of him and her parents, as well as his parents wedding photos. His mother never owned much aside from shoes, clothes, and pictures. His mother only owned a few pairs of earrings and necklaces which he donated too except a locket that had a picture of his parents when they were younger. He kept his mothers desk and book shelf. Soon, he turned his mothers room into a small office.

'I need to go grocery shopping.' I thought to myself, grabbing my keys and headed to the store. My phone started to ring. "Mr. Tomson?" "Hello, (y/n). I know today is your day off, but could you stop by. I have something I need to talk to you about." "Uh, yeah. Let me drop my groceries off first." I took my groceries home and put them away before leaving to go to my job. I walked in as soon as I got there. "(y/n)? Isn't it your day off?" Kate asked me. She became my best friend over the years of working here. "Mhm, but Mr. Tomson had something to talk to me about." "Oh, it might be that promotion he was talking about." "Hm?" "Nothing, go talk to him." She pushed me down the hall, giggling. I knocked on his door. "Come in." I walked in and shut the door. "You wanted to talk to me?" "Yes, we have an opening at one of our other locations. You will make more then you do here as long as you're fine with relocating." "I am sir." I smiled. 'This is it. Finally the promotion I was hoping for.' I thought. "Great, you'll start Monday. It's located in Haddonfield, Illinois." "E-Excuse me. Did you just say Haddonfield?"

"Yes, why?" "I- A lot of things happened to me there and I don't want to go back." "Hmm, I see. I'll have to offer it to someone else then." "Y-You don't have any openings anywhere else?" "No, I'm sorry." I frowned. I was starting to live pay check to pay check and needed the money that this opening was offering. "I-I'll take it, I really need the money that the opening has to offer." "Are you sure, (y/n)? I don't want you to be pressured into this." I nodded. "I will let them know you will start Monday. Should give you enough time to get everything together. You can have the rest of the week off to get everything settled with moving." "Thank you sir." I left his office. "So, how'd it go?" Kate cooed and I looked at her. "What happened? Your face has sadness written all over it." "I have to go back to Haddonfield..." "Y-You told him what happened right?" "I told him some stuff happened to me and I didn't want to go back, but this was the only opening in the other locations." "W-well you didn't take it did you?" "I had to...I need the money." I looked down as I walked out the building. "Wait! I'm coming with you then." "What, no, Kate y-" "Hush, I'm not letting you go alone. We can get a two room house and split the bills."

I sighed knowing she wasn't going to drop it. "Ok, I start Monday." "Let me tell Mr. Tomson I quit and I'll help you pack." "Alright, come over whenever." Soon the next day came and I had a few things packed before Kate came over. "Hey (y/n), here to help." She walked into the living room. "I see you already started." She laughed. "Yeah, better late then never. Um, you can mess with the kitchen if you'd like. I have three boxes in there ready to be used." She nodded and I went to my small office. Soon, everything was packed and it became dark out. "Hm, we haven't had dinner. Want to eat out?" Kate asked and I nodded. We went out to a small café. "Listen, maybe everything's been forgotten. Maybe he's de-" "No, he's not. I seen him get shot multiple times and get back up like it was nothing." I looked out the window of the café. We both parted ways and went back to our houses.

The next day, I called Kate. "Hey, I was going to check out the house I found for us, wanna come?" "Yes." "I'll come pick you up." I hung up and went to her house. She got in my car and we went to go meet up with the realtor. After a few hours, we made it to Haddonfield. "Hi, you must be (y/n). I'm Stacey." "Hi, this is my friend, Kate." "Alright. Ready to see the house?" We both nodded and followed after her. The house was perfect. Two rooms, two bathrooms, an attic, basement, and an small office. "Kate, what do you think?" "If you like it, then yes, obviously." We set the date to pay it as well as move in. The whole time, I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched. "Kate?" I asked as soon as we got back into my car. "Yeah?" "Did you get the feeling of being watched?" "A bit..." I looked out my window to find nothing. "Must be him..." I started driving off.

Off in the shadows, Michael watched. 'It's him. He's come back. My (y/n) has returned.' He thought. He kept watching, trying to figure out who the girl with him was. He watched as they walked around the house and as they left. He couldn't wait to have him back. For once, he felt incomplete without someone. For once, he felt happy to have someone. All of the emotions he felt last time he saw him, came back. He wondered if he would allow him back in his life after what he had done. He wondered if he would remember him since it had been almost four years that he had left Haddonfield. He even wondered why he had returned. Michael hoped to make things right. He wanted to, but couldn't. 

Michael Myers x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now