41: disappointment

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Feeling better from my talk with Amy there was a slight spring in my step as I climbed the stairs leading to the third floor of my house. 

I swung my door open and gasped in shock seeing Rafe sitting on my window seat. His figure was slumped over having his head in his hands.

Hearing my presence he snapped his head up and I rushed towards him without a second thought. I knelt down on the ground between his legs and grabbed his wrists moving them out of the way so I could cup his jaw with both my hands. "What the hell happened to your wrist?" I asked eyeing his wrist that was wrapped in a white bandage.

Rafe stayed silent as I scanned his face seeing his red bloodshot eyes and flushed cheeks, either he was upset or high. 

I couldn't tell but had an inkling feeling it was both.

"Rafe" I whispered making him look up at me instead of his lap, "What happened?" I asked softly as we made eye contact, I moved my hands away waiting for him to respond.

I watched him open his mouth just to close it a second later. He locked his jaw closing his eyes for a second before opening them again, "Ward he-uh kicked me out" he breathed out looking back down at the ground.

"I'm sorry" I sighed. 

His father was a sensitive topic for him, even the slightest mention of the wrong thing about his relationship with Ward can set him off and spiral him into a fit of rage. I didn't want to hassle him for answers and possibly anger him so I stayed silent wondering if he would speak up. 

"He..he called me a liar and a thief," he said with a strained voice keeping his face emotionless, "Told me not to come home". 

I couldn't help the frown form on my face as he looked at me. 

I didn't know what to say, whilst my relationship with my parents wasn't picture perfect I couldn't relate to what he was going through. I could only try to understand and sympathize with his feelings and prove to him I was there for him. 

"C'mere" he snatched my wrists bringing me to my feet and tugging me closer to him. I straddled his lap with my legs on either side of his body as I wrapped my arms around his neck holding his body close to me. 

He sighed against my skin and dug his fingers into my waist trying to pull me even closer to him. "You'll stay here okay, with me" I tried to comfort him by running my hands through his hair. "I'm sorry your dad's a dick...you don't deserve that" I voiced as he nodded against my hold and moved his head to the crock of my neck. 

I bit my lip from the nerves. I wanted to probe him for more information. The bandage on his wrist wasn't to do with Ward, I knew that. Everyone knew Ward and his son had a temper but I had a gut feeling there was more to the story.

"Why did he kick you out" my voice was barely above a whisper and I kept my hands in his hair, silently trying to tell him I was here to listen and not judge. 

Ward was a strict and stern man, despite growing up with him as almost a second father figure it was clear to practically everyone - especially Rafe, just how much he favored his eldest daughter.  

The comments he would throw at Rafe were words no child wants to hear from their parent, and the way Rafe was treated within his own family made me want to take him away from them and never return.

"Willa...I don't want you involved" he shook his head and moved away from my neck to look into my eyes. He looked torn, whatever it was, was eating him up inside. It was like he wanted to tell me but was scared of my reaction. 

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