35: watch and learn

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I smiled happily walking into the fair with Rafe hot in my trail, It had taken us five minutes to fight over him paying for my tickets but eventually, I gave up because that boy was nothing short of persistent.

"Oh my god! The Ferris wheel!" I grinned pointing at the wheel, I turned around and gasped seeing the bumper cars, carousels, a small rollercoaster even a petting zoo. 

It felt so nostalgic looking around at the place I knew and loved, even having Rafe with me felt natural.

"Come on!" I ushered Rafe who was reading the information and maps like a bore. I rushed over to him grabbing his arm and tugging him towards the bumper cars. We jumped in the line and quickly I found myself in a car speeding towards Rafe's, we both tried to ram into each other and I was giggling practically the whole time. 

I felt like a child again, that little girl who held her grandma's hand running around the carnival and was shielded from all the inevitable heartbreak she'd face.

After the bumper cars, I dragged him to four more amusement rides and he happily abided following wherever I wanted to go.

"Stay close" he warned me when the crowds seemed to get larger as people were rushing around finding different rides or games they wanted to try.  Us being stuck in the middle of the crowd caused Rafe to grab my arm bringing me in line with him. 

I turned my head smiling at him when he threw his arm around my shoulders. 

The colored lights from the carnival rides shined over his face as I took a second to admire his appearance.

Shouts and laughs were heard from all around me and the atmosphere was euphoric, "Where to next?" he asked turning his head to me.

"Umm games?"

"Whatever you want" he nodded.

"Okay," I said grinning grabbing onto his t-shirt tightly and turning my head into his chest as we walked towards the large row of individual games set up. I directed us straight to a balloon blast game that caught my attention.

Rafe handed the man running the game a handful of tickets whilst he briefly spoke to me about how the game works. After he handed both Rafe and me three darts each.

"Ladies first" Rafe smirked as I stepped forward towards the game with a dart in hand. I focused my aim carefully on a balloon in front of me as I steadied my arm in place, feeling confident I threw the dart towards the balloon except it missed completely making me frown. 

I heard Rafe chuckle behind me so I glanced over my shoulder flipping him off which only made him laugh more.

"It's alright babe you've got 2 more chances" he laughed as I huffed in annoyance grabbing another dart and lining up in the exact same position. I closed one eye trying to focus my vision as I released another dart that missed again.

"Oh close!" Rafe mocked seeing it landed nowhere near my target.

"Would you quit it with the commentary" I huffed, "You're ruining my chances"

"Oh yeah I'm the one ruining your chances" Rafe laughed sarcastically, I rolled my eyes grabbing my last dart and throwing it towards the target. My pout returned seeing it missed once again. I shrugged my shoulders turning around to face him with my small pout.

"Aw it's okay" He gushed with a fake sad look wrapping his hands around me.

"Shut up" I mumbled taking a step back from him, "I'd like to see you do any better"

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