17. explanation

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For those
They love,
They sacrifice.


To all those who did not understand, I'll explain what all happened.

Hana got into an accident with her parents. It was all just a simple accident, it did not include any criminal plan.

After she got into the accident she got into a brain concussion. This means due to the trauma of the accident she entered into a vegetative state aka a coma.

As her parents died she did not want to come back to face the pain of her parent's death. Although her brain put her into a dreamland of all the things she ever fantasised about.

And played the whole story in her head making fake scenarios of her parents getting killed by a man which in reality did not happen

Her mind created a character named Song Kang who helped her face the trauma and made her come back to life fulfilling her fantasies which indeed was in the process of her waking up.

When she got up after a coma she went through treatment and got all well after three years.

The same year she met Song Kang.

So when she entered the school of her dreams she encountered the same things that had happened before and met none other than a guy called Song Kang.

Now it's upon you all to imagine the further story :)

Well I guess my explanation was understood

And lastly, about the locket he broke into pieces - Hana was wrong here, the love does not symbolize any gift, it symbolises the connection between two people which was strong in both of them.

I expect you all to not get away with grand gestures or gifts, love is all about the feeling you get when you look into the other person's eyes.

The deepest personal affection, to the simplest pleasure given by your partner, is love.

I'm not talking about to not believe the grand gestures, what I'm trying to say is gestures and gifts are a part of the happiness of love but not love.

I hope you understand the assignment.♡

Lastly, it's not a goodbye but a part of good memory which ended :)


And just like crimson sunsets, you taught me that endings can be beautiful too


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