14| Beckham

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"Teenagers are fucking scary," Sebastian grumbled to me, watching as a group of teenage girls scampered past, tittering and waving at us. Each girl was ornamented in university merchandise, and I discerned Grayson's last name on one of their t-shirts. Three of them wore mine and two wore Sebastian's.

I took another puff of my cigarette, casting the girls a glower in hopes that they'd leave. The match against Ravenwood wasn't due to start in another six hours. But there were always early birds, those that wanted to watch us during our last practice. Instead of scampering away, the girls leaned against the wall, a few feet away from us. Sebastian snorted, and I groaned, disposing of my cigarette before going for the rink.

Coach Benson was on the ice with Levi and Aiden, the wingers on the second team, running through some last-minute things, seeing as they would substitute for Sebastian and Zeke at some point through the game once the latter got tired. Nyx stood to the side, screaming something at Levi. She was dressed in black tights with a matching sports bra and an oversized grey jacket.

"You're not keeping up with Aidan!" she howled, marching along the outside of the rink, blue eyes never leaving Levi, much to his obvious displeasure. "Keep up!" At her voice, Levi blundered slightly and sent the puck flying. He whirled on his skates, glowering at the tiny blonde. "What?" she snapped. "Got a problem?"

He skated closer, and I tensed, marking Sebastian stiffen beside me. Levi had anger issues, and I didn't like the thought of him taking that rage out on Nyx. "You're my fucking problem!" He bellowed, jabbing a finger at her and Coach Benson sighed, calling Danny and Jonas onto the ice, the defencemen from the second team. Like Levi and Aidan, they needed to be prepared in case they had to substitute for Oliver and Jasper.

Nyx didn't bat an eye. "No. Your problem is that you skate like you've got an anchor chained to your balls." Levi bristled at her words, but she wasn't done. "If you keep skating like that, you're gonna drag Aiden behind. I've seen you play before, you used to be better. Explain to me why Aiden's improving, but you're slacking?" 

She definitely wasn't beating around the bush. This had been a dilemma with Levi since last year. When Rafe had been captain, he played favourites. He favoured Levi over Aiden and constantly hounded the latter to practice until his legs felt like they were going to fall off.

Thus, Levi became lazy because he sat on his ass all the time whilst Aiden improved. I was planning on having a chat with Levi but had no idea how to admonish him without bringing up Rafe. It was a tough subject for all of us. But Nyx just solved that problem. And like any other man, Levi didn't take too kindly to being reprimanded by a woman.

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