Chapter 17

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"I do know her," Marinette spoke, cautiously choosing her words before moving on. The look on Tim's face prompted her to continue. "She's a superhero in Paris. The one I told you guys about?" "That's what she looks like? I didn't know she was actually a Ladybug."

"Haha," She gave a fake laugh while getting up. "Well bye! I'll see you later Timmy," Mari gave the boy a hug before going upstairs to find Damian.

"Hey! Damiiiii!" Dragging out the last syllable in his name. Damian groaned, but was actually very happy to get to spend time with his sister. "Do you want to spar with me?" Marinette asked, hoping over the couch, landing next to Damian. "You sure you want to lose? Considering I'm a lot better than you," He smirked, earning a kick to the shin from the girl on his right.

"Let's just go Mr. Ego," Mari grabbed his upper arm, tugging him towards the gym. He tried to take his arm out, but her grip was strong.

Getting and idea, Damian leaped onto her back. The unexpected weight brought Marinette to her knees as she landed with Damian on her back.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" She rolled over so He slid off her back. "Does that mean I claim victory?" "No. Let's go." He huffed in protest, but obliged.

"I heard you lost to Todd the other day." Damian got in a stance. "We don't talk about that." Mari glared before doing the same.

"On a count of three." Marinette began, "1, 2, 14!" She exclaimed, silently laughing as the person across from her started to move, but instantly stopped. "Hurry up."


Marinette threw a right hook at him. Damian dodged left and grabbed her forearm, bringing the girl down. She quickly retaliated by rolling, then bucking her feet up, landing a blow to his jaw.

"You've improved." Wiping the blood off his jaw made Mari wince for him.

Suddenly someone walked into the gym, calling for the bluenette. "You know we're going to Wayne industries tomorrow?" Jason walked in, an unused cigarette rested between his middle and pointer finger. Marinette turned her head to Jason and Damian used the distraction to his advantage.

Within a few steps, he had her pinned down to the blue mat. "This is unfair!" She protested, getting up and pouted, "Jason this is all your fault."

The look made Jason feel bad. See now if anything was unfair, it was this. Marinette was like the Wayne family's treasure. People of this family always have in to her. Sometimes even Alfred fell for her puppy eyes.

He groaned, pocketing his cigarette and held out his arms, causing her face to light up. She ran into them, and snuggled closer into his chest. "You have to carry me upstairs," Marinette mumbled.

She was brought up to her room in the strong arms of Jason Todd.

"There happy?" He tossed her onto the pale pink sheets. "No, you can't smoke for an entire week." "What! I'm not doing that, you can't stop me puny child."

Marinette punched his chest at his previous comment. "You have to Jay-Jay, my life is ruined forever and ever because you interrupted!"

"Okay, okay fine. A week. Only a week," he pointed, and it satisfied her. "I need to go, see you later Pixie-pop," Jason leaned in and kissed the top of her head.

A few minutes after he left, Marinette was left with Tikki and her thoughts.

Marinette's POV

A blue thing opened up in front of me and out stepped, Master Fu?

"Marinette, there is an akuma in Paris! You need to come at once!"


"We can not waste anymore time Ladybug," Master Fu looked very rushed, so I quickly said the magic words.

"Tikki! Spots on!" I was enveloped in a flashing light, before my suit appeared.

"Through the here," The old man led the way through Kalkki's portal. They soon arrived at Master Fu's home. "You must go, I'll stay here and charge up Kalkki."

As I prepared my yo-yo, someone from behind stopped me. "Chat Noir can not participate in this battle, so you must choose another miraculous to aide you." "Why can't Chat Noir come?" "That I can't answer."

My fingers reached for the fox miraculous. With a nod of approval from Master Fu, I put on the necklace muttering the transformation words.

*Time Skip*

"You did good Marinette," He put the Fox miraculous back, and rested the horse miraculous on the bridge of his nose. I was now back in my regular clothes. "We must go now before anyone notices."

Master Fu summoned the portal and continued through it as I lagged behind. The sight in front of me made me freeze. "M-Marinette? What? Who? Huh?"

"Look Jon! I can explain," A flash of panic crossed my face. Master Fu just went right back into the portal leaving me to deal with this.

Thanks a lot Master.

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