Chapter 15

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||Hows life guys!!!||

Little did Marinette know Lila was waiting to trip her on the other side.

"Woah!" She groaned, hitting the floor also catching Jason's attention. Chloe picked the bluenette up and helped in dusting off her pink jeans.

Marinette's POV

"Thanks Chlo." I patted one of my legs down as she did the other. Jason was coming this way! Hopefully he didn't see.

"Hey are you okay?" "I'm fine. It's takes more than that to hurt me." Assuring him, Jay turned to Lila. So I guess he did see. It's physically and mentally pains me that I'm literally about to defend this liar.

"Why did you trip Marinette?" Jason crossed his arms. The group was still scattered a round the room. Kinda oblivious to the commotion.

"What do you mean? I didn't trip her!" Lila a strand hair around her finger. A look of innocence was etched onto her face.

"Jay! It's okay. I'm just clumsy." My hands found their way onto his bicep, as an attempt to calm him down.

"I could see her shoe. Why are you lying to me?"

Great, I just put myself in the position. "She's not lying! It's the truth! You should have seen her back in Paris. A total wreck!" Lila giggle before speaking again. "Maybe if you're lucky she'll put on a show for you! I can make it happen." She winked as an attempt to flirt.

My jaw just dropped open. First of all he is NOT in your league and AGE DIFFERENCE MISS GURL!

"Look, let's just drop the topic. Everyone's moving on!" I gritted out between clenched teeth. It didn't give Jason any time to respond to the previous comment.

My hands reached out for my blonde friend, and I pulled them away. One of them was easier than the other. (I wonder which one 🤔)

Thankfully Jason didn't put up much of a fight or else his foot would have been one with the floor.

"This is an ancient relic from 1832. It's been displayed here for over 20 years. Found right here in Gotham!" The tour guide, who I still don't know the name of moved his hands in a semi-circles to show off the item.

"It's really rare we find such beautiful things here in this city. The building we are standing in is a relic itself. That why a bunch of companies send over stuff to display." He explained.

Most of my classmates weren't really interested. It's good that Hawkmoth isn't here, because these people will surely find a way to tick this man off.

Thankfully the tour was bearable. A few snarky comments from Lila here and a few from Alya there. Ya know?

I said my goodbyes to Chloe. "Hey! Marinette! The bus is this way!" Adrien called, hand waving in the air. When there was no response from me, he WALKED towards us!

"Marinette did you hear me? I said the bus was over there. You can leave three men now. Cmon Chloe you too." He reached for my wrist, gripping it uncomfortably.

Jason and Tim were about to take action until I told them not with my eyes. An annoyed sigh escaped them, but they stayed put.

"Look Adrien, I'm going with them." Twisting my hand out of his made Adrien mad.

"You don't have to go with them. You have me!"

"Adrien let's just go. I think Mari can handle herself." Chloe tried to lead him back to the bus. "Chloe I umm"

"Pleaseeee Adrikins?" She wrapped her arms around his neck and pouted, being extra annoying. Whining and complaining about how he didn't like her anymore. I almost laughed, but guided my brother away.

"Chloe is pretty cool!" Jason commented. "Too young for you." I slid in the back seat.

"Hey! I wasn't thinking that! Good to know you view me this way sis."

"You're welcome bro." Winking at him as the engine started.

"Mari? Are you sure you're okay? After today?" Tim brought up the topic I was avoiding.

"Whatever do you mean?"

"I saw what happened with the brunette girl."

"It's fine. I'm fine. Now uhh shouldn't we do more riddles? Or I could help you on you me cases! Maybe even go on patrol." Wiggling my eyebrows on the last sentence didn't convince him or Jason.

"You know your too precious for that Pixie." Jay reached back to ruffle my hair. His eyes never leaving the road and I still couldn't dodge it.

"It's not fair!"

"You know it is Marinette, and Bruce would never agree anyways." Tim patted my leg.

Groaning, my head leaned against the window. Occasionally bumping on it because the road was uneven.

Thoughts drifting to Ladybug and Tikki. My hand subconsciously touched the pink side purse. That was until a shadowy figure jumped onto the hood of the car.


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