Chapter 78 || Random

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Everything erupts into chaos as I rush towards protection. Don't be fucking silly, I'm a strong, independent woman, but I know that I'm fucking unarmed. Blake and Anna immediately stand in front of me with their guns ready as nearly everyone rushes out of the ballroom to get their weapons.

Slight panic begins to rush through me after I hear the gunshot. Good thing I took my pills or I'd probably be having a panic attack and that would give everyone more stress.

Adrian and Kaden's eyes scan the room as Richard Arrow also holds a gun. Another gunshot rings through the room and I hear a couple women scream. Someone was just shot dead.

"Everybody leave the ballroom!" Kaden shouts. "If I see anyone here that's not Bailey, Adrian, Anna, Blake, Luna, Dylan, I'm shooting you dead." Everyone begins to shuffle out the ballroom and out of the mansion.

Once the room is empty, apart from us and the dead body, Adrian sprints down the stairs and towards me. "Bailey, get out of here with Dylan," He tells me in a rush. "Get the fuc-" Another gunshot sounds and I lift my head up to see Richard Arrow crouching on the ground.

"Bailey, get out. Get out with Dylan!" Kaden shouts from above. Kaden expertly swerves to the side as another gunshot reverberates through the room. "Dylan, take Bailey with you."

"Adrian..." I begin.

"I'll be fine. You better get the fuck out," He tells me. He presses his forehead against mine, and looks straight into my eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too," I whisper as Dylan's hands wrap around my wrist. He pulls me away and I watch my friends and boyfriend get further away from me. I hear another gunshot but I don't turn around. I keep running with Dylan.

He brings out the track star in him as he sprints down the hallways towards the room Luna and Teddy were in. He thrusts the door open and breathes a sigh of a relief when he sees Teddy doing fine.

"Dylan!" Luna cries and we both turn around to see a gun held against her head. "Dylan!"

"Luna!" He shouts, his eyes widening in terror. "Let her the fuck go!"

"Then give us what we want," The red haired man, who was holding the gun against Luna says. I scan the room, and notice Teddy begins to cry. That causes him to have trouble breathing. Luckily, he had the nebulizer. There was a darker man standing next to Teddy.

"What do you want?" Dylan breathes out.

"You're Kaden Arrow's brother. You must know where he keeps all the paper that give him access to those docks and deliveries. We want those."

Dylan glances at me, giving me a helpless look. Fuck. If they get those papers, then it's game over for Kaden but if they don't get those papers, then it's game over for Luna, Dylan and Teddy.

My question is: How did they get in here in the first place?

HOLY FUCKBALLS! It was the men with phones. They led them in here. They... AND THEY'RE NO LONGER IN THIS MANSION! Oh my God! I find myself clearing my throat. Everyone looks at me as if I've lost it.

"I need to go to the bathroom."

"Too bad."

"I have explosive diarrhea," I tell them, cringing at my excuse. It's okay, they won't live to remember anyway.

"Fine, make it quick." Slowly, I walk past Dylan, subtly swiping his phone from his pocket before heading into the bathroom. Let's see... Do I have any more mafia links? No, I don't.

Tattoos and Scars | Rewritten VersionWhere stories live. Discover now