Chapter 25 || Cabby

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TW: intense stupidity. i cringe at it too. 


"Excuse me!" I snarl. "I said sorry! You're the bitch!"

He scoffs, rolling his neck backwards. Is this town filled with hot yet rude men? I internally roll my eyes. He stares up at the sky for a while and then turns back towards me with a smile.

It's so creepy how it matches Dylan's gorgeous smile.

"Forgive me, darling. I'm Kaden Arrow."

Ah. They are related! "I know your brother Dylan Arrow!" I blurt out. "He's friends with Adrian Black." You really can't shut up, can you? Kaden's eyes light up for a second before getting icy again.

"You know Adrian Black?" He asks, his voice dripping with a greed I'm not sure I understand. "Are you going somewhere? I can drop you off."

I squint my eyes suspiciously. "I'm not going to hurt you. And if I do hurt you, you have my permission to hurt me where it matters," He winks with a mischievous smile. But this smile isn't like Dylan's mischievous smiles. There's a glint of evil in it.

"Sure," I shrug. "I can't turn down a free car ride."

"Classy. Right this way, princess," He leads me towards a white car.

"You're part of the gang? I thought you lived with your mother," I ask. Bad Bailey! You shouldn't ask such personal questions! "Sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"Nah, you're good. I stay with my dad. Only Dylan left. He wasn't into the mafia anyway," He shrugs. "You lose one, you gain one."

"What do you mean? Sorry, I shouldn't be asking."

"Dylan left, and Ava came. She's not the best, especially when she tries to make moves on me. I'm her brother for god's sake. But in her words, we're not 'blood related'," He explains as he opens the door for me. I climb into the passenger seat, as Kaden walks around the front and gets into the driver's.

"That's so disgusting. I'm sorry. And just drop me off down the street," I grin.

"Down the street?" I see his left eye twitch and I laugh.

"You offered to drop me."

"Down the street it is," He grumbles as he starts the car and speeds towards my apartment complex. "Adrian Black is in the hospital?"

"That's not your business," I reply darkly. Why does he want to know so much about Adrian?

Gosh, I don't know. Maybe because he's in the rival gang?!

"Relax, darling. I'm not going to hurt you boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend," I reply, too quickly.

"So you're single?"

"What's with all these personal questions?" I ask, slightly irritated. The car stops in front of my apartment, and I quickly get out of the car. "Well, thanks."

"No problem," He grins. "Care to give me your number? I could be your personal cabby."

Who am I to say no to a new potential friend? Especially a hot friend. "Here are the rules. No tapping my phone and no stalking me."

"You have my word. And we mafia men don't break promises or we risk losing our lives."

"I believe you," I raise my hands in surrender. "Here's my number," I give him my number before waving at him and disappearing into my apartment building.

Tattoos and Scars | Rewritten VersionWhere stories live. Discover now