Chapter 18 || Drenched

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make sure you vote! ♥️ this is an intense chapter, get ready. 


I watch my bullet leave the gun as my shoulder jerks back at the force. The woman staggers back as a bullet pierces through her chest. When she collapses, another bullet hits the brick wall of the abandoned building behind her.

Two men immediately carry her body away as Blake and Anna run over to the boy. Adrian yanks open my door and gives me a fiery look that could scare the living shit out of anyone.

"What the fuck was that?! Bailey, you have no fucking clue how to shoot! You are so fucking lucky that I shot her, or she would have shot that kid for sure! You were going to fuck it all up, I knew I should have left you home. You don't fucking belong here!"

I bring my knees up to my chest. "All I knew was that the boy would die," I whisper. "I needed to do something, Adrian. Blake, Anna, everyone had their hands in the air... you were going to strike a fucking deal with her. All I knew was that the boy would die. The woman was bad, and the boy needed help."

My entire body is trembling and I begin hyperventilating. "Adrian, I'm sorry. I messed up."

His arms hook around my neck and he pulls me closer to him and my chin rests on the crook of his neck. "She could have fucking shot you."

He cares... He was worried about me.

"I know... but the kid..." I quickly pull away from his embrace, push him out of the way and rush towards the little boy. Adrian follows after me as I crouch down in front of the boy, next to Anna and Blake. "His hand- Adrian, get him help. He's going to bleed out!"

I reach out towards the boy's hand and he weakly pulls it away. "Fuck," Adrian breathes as he watches the boy's wrist. "Get him in the car." One of the men pick up the little boy and carries him towards the car.

He's fucking trembling... He's a literal kid. He's so fucking young and woman had and audacity to do that! "Adrian, tell me he'll be fine... He has to be fine. He's so damn young. He's barely more than a toddler..." My lips start to quiver as I hug myself, rocking back and forth on my heels.

"He'll be fine," Adrian assures, placing his arm around my shoulder. "You saved him after all."

"Y-you did."

"No, you did. I would have let the woman roam free in trade for the kid, but you were the reason she's dead. You're the reason the boy doesn't have to worry about her anymore."

"W-who was she?"

"Raven Abbot... that was her sister's child. She would abuse him and all that fucked up shit. One of my men told Blake about it, when they saw her using a belt on the boy. The hook was up... When she got news that we were after her, she ran for it. When Blake and Anna came along with my men, she threatened to kill the kid. She slit his wrist..." Adrian explains, not even slightly fazed.

"How are you so fucking calm?! The child is fucking bleeding and you're acting like you're in a damn mindfullness class!" I cry out, bothered by his calmness.

"I've seen this before," He replies, his voice not faltering the slightest. "Like I said... you don't belong here. You should have been home right now."

"I don't have a fucking home," I mutter under my breath. I didn't have one with my dad, and I don't have one now after being fucking kidnapped. "Whatever," I reply, louder this time. "You're right. I don't fucking belong here. I belong in an apartment building where I live on my own, work for myself, save up money, go to college and make my own damn life."

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