Chapter 24 || Ocean Blue

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"More?" He asks, his voice husky and incredibly sexy. Goddamn, Bailey, you really had to say that? You couldn't keep your hormones in check?

"Like best friends or something," I add, chuckling to myself. I was so damn lucky that Dylan had texted me Adrian's room number or whatever they call it at the hospital. Or I would have probably been found sneaking into the hospital.

And I have to say, his room looks incredibly luxurious. Money can't buy you happiness, but it can make dealing with sadness a lot more comfortable. r

"I'm sorry, Bailey," Adrian starts. "For everything."

"Are you sorry for hugging me? Are you sorry for kissing me? Are you sorry for killing that manager for hurting me? Because no, you can't be sorry for all that shit. Okay, maybe kissing me, but I'll pardon you because it felt good."

Goddamn, he looked like he was just hit by a truck. Well, he was. "How bad was it?" I ask, softly. The right side of his face is wounded and bruised. Slightly swollen too.

"I was the lucky one. Just as the truck hit us, I turned the car around. But fuck, I shouldn't have done that because I exposed the boy to the truck's impact more while I was trying to save myself," He explains, and I see his hands slightly shaking. I take his hands in mine, and they almost instantly stop shaking.

"It's okay," I whisper softly. "Anyone would have done the same."

"I probably look stupid right now. Letting a stupid accident affect me like this," He mumbles. I find myself taking a seat next to him on the left side of his bed. I wrap my arms around his, and allow him to rest his head on my shoulder.

"You aren't stupid for that. Even a mafia leader can hurt," I offer assurance. "If I were in your place, I would be crying my eyes out. You're not, and that just shows how strong you are."

"I shouldn't be letting it. I've seen many people die, and more than half were the people I shot," He snarls frustratedly. Is it bad that I like it when he clenches his fists because it makes his muscles bulge more? Nah, I'm good.

"But you were never hit by a truck before now," I point out. "When you see your own life on the line in front of you, it really affects you."

"Let's not talk about it. I want ice cream," He changes the subject, and I let him. Because I get it. It's hard to talk about, and it's so much easier if you let it hurt you alone than letting it all out. I unravel one of my arms from his arm, and I reach out for the strawberry ice cream.

"Wait, shit. It might have melted..." I smile sheepishly at him as I open the box. "Oops." I look at the pink liquid that once used to be frozen. "Well, no matter... you can drink it."

"Yeah, no. I love strawberries, but not that much," He chuckles. Whoa, this is the most I've seen him smile. It's almost as if... no... is he happy to see me? I'm not that fun to be around. Anna made sure to tell me that, when I told her I didn't want to come and see Adrian.

I don't know what I was thinking. It all happened in the matter of a few seconds. I felt angry, guilty and sad all at once and I told her I didn't want to come.

I told her I was leaving. And she got really mad. After I left, I managed to get myself a place to stay, that was near the college I'll be going to after summer. Then I began to feel terrible for not seeing Adrian.

So I came to see him.

"I should probably go," I tell him. "It's so early in the morning, you should be resting," I reluctantly unravel my arms from him and stand up, but his hand wraps around my wrist.

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