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"make yourself your priority

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"make yourself your priority."

"So how are you liking California? Definitely nothing like Jersey," Mathew asked as we continue walking towards his car where I saw a group of people standing around the car.

"Yup we definitely didn't have houses like the ones here."

"You get used to it." Mathew shrugged. When we walked over to his group of friends, I thought it would be a bigger group because Mathew seems like the type of person to have a lot of people to talk to and hang out with. But in reality, there were only a few people. I recognized Ethan and Grayson who were in the small group. Two girls surrounded Ethan and Grayson was on his phone while also smoking a cigarette. I could hear his soft voice while speaking on the phone. "Guys this is Alexis. She is new in town, kind of." Mathew said to the group.

Ethan looked away from the girl he was talking to and looked at me. "Mathew, how did you get such a pretty girl to follow you here?" Ethan laughed.

Mathew got me a sweater from his car, and I thanked him.

"Ethan you're such a dick," Mathew said before taking a seat next to him. "Be nice and she is a friend."


We didn't really discuss being friends but okay.

"Goodnight bub, love you." I heard Grayson say softly before hanging up and putting his phone in his pocket. I look away from him and look at Mathew and Ethan who were still arguing. "Don't mind them. They always bicker." Grayson said and I looked at him.

"They look close," I stated.

"Yeah, they are," Grayson stated coldly.

I heard a car roar from the tracks making me look away at the two who were fighting.

I see a familiar dark black Audi passing all of the cars on the tracks.

Kayden's car was going at least over 100 miles. Some might think that's reckless, but I see it as a sense of freedom and an escape.

I see the familiar black BMW that my brother, father, and I worked on. It looks perfect how we redesigned and constructed it.

It was simple but also unique in its own way.

"Go, Jack!" I yelled, cheering for my brother as I watched his car pass all the others.

After a few more seconds I see Jack's car pass the line making him win and everyone cheer for him. I jump up and down like a little girl who got the present she wanted on Christmas, before running towards his car that stopped in the middle of the track.

I see Jack get out of the car and before he had the chance to notice I was running towards him; I jump into his arms and hug him.

"Woah Woah Woah Bambi, I thought I told you to stay by Rick?" Jack asked while hugging me back lightly.

I let go of him. "But you won, and I wanted to congratulate you," I said with a pout.

"Bambi, you have to be careful out there. Someone could take you and then I would get slapped by mom, plus I can't find another amazing assistant like you." Jack said with a small smile.

I feel a wide smile spread on my face. "You could never find a more awesome assistant than me," I said before Jack attacks me in a bear hug. "Dad would be proud of you," I said, while still smiling.

"Come on let's go home before mom and dad realize I took you here," Jack said while releasing me from the hug. "Plus, I heard that mom is making her famous strawberry cheesecake." Jack picked me up and walked to the passenger side of the car putting me inside, making me laugh.

"Kayden! Congrats!" Ethan said making me refocus my attention on what's going around me.

I see Kayden with a black sweater and regular blue jeans on, walking towards us.

Kayden has a straight face as he walks up to us.

"It was an easy race. Levi sucks at driving a car." Kayden shrugged and his eyes focused on me.

I smiled lightly at him.

"Oh shit, Kayden this is my new friend Alexis," Mathew said and he put his arm around me.

"Friend?" Kayden raised his eyebrow. "I'm surprised you finally found on Mathew. Knowing you feels like I am in hell." Kayden joked but Mathew just glared at him.

"Well, I need one nice friend because out of all of you guys no one is nice."

Kayden looked at me. "Did he force you to come here?"

I feel myself want to laugh but I didn't. "No. He just spilled his drink on my jacket, and he offered to give me his sweater."

Kayden shook his head lightly while having a ghost smile on his face. "Always so clumsy."

I nodded my head and look at Mathew. "Well, thanks for the jacket. I need to go through. My friends are waiting for me, and I don't want them to think I got kidnapped."

"You did, by this idiot," Ethan said pointing at Mathew and laughing but Mathew didn't find it funny.

I said goodbye and left to go meet Willow and Ben where they were.

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