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"a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor

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"a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor."

I turn around and see Kayden, the one Willow told me about and the one who I bumped into in the hallway.

"Don't tell me you came up to me to be a dick again," I stated and narrowed my eyes at him.

"I didn't think anyone would be here," Kayden said and he walked towards the railing, resting his arms on it. "I always come out here and everyone is usually inside."

"Well not everyone likes to drink and party," I muttered and look back up at the sky.

Every time I look up in the sky I always think about my family and how they are probably watching over me. I always feel somewhat closer to them or feel like I'm not alone when I'm outside looking up at the stars, talking to them as if my family would hear me.

"I guess." Kayden shrugged his shoulders. "So why are you out here then?"

"I can't just enjoy the view?" I raised my eyebrow at him, and he has a straight face.

"Never said you couldn't."

Next thing I know I hear my name being yelled and I look behind me and see Wes walking out of the house with a hard look on his face.

"What the fuck are you doing out here with him?" Wes asked once he stood next to me.

Kayden stood to his full height and looked at Wes with a straight face.

"I was just out here by myself and then he came. No need to piss in your pants, Wes." I said which made Wes mad, I could tell by how he clenched his fists.

Wes looked at Kayden. "Don't go near her ever again. If you breathe in the same air as her, I'll make sure to-"

"Stop with the empty-handed threats Wes. If it makes you feel any better, she and I weren't even talking." Kayden rolled his eyes.

While Wes is acting like it's the end of the world, Kayden looks so nonchalant as if he has no worries in the world about anything.

"I swear to god I will-"

I stop Wes from moving any closer to Kayden. "Wes stop acting stupid," I whispered to Wes but I'm pretty sure Kayden heard me cause I'm positive I heard a small chuckle. I grab Wes's wrist and before walking away I make eye contact with Kayden, and he just had a brooding look on his face. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked once we were on the other side of the backyard.

"What were you doing with him, Alexis?" Wes asked as he glared down at me.

"Me? I didn't do shit, Wes! I was minding my own business and so was he. He just happened to be where I was. Then you go batshit, about to punch him, and afterward, you blame it on me?!" I said while pointing to me.

"Alexis he isn't a good guy, just stay away from him," Wes warned.

"I wasn't even talking to him," I stated.

"Just listen to me, Alexis. He is involved in some fucked up shit that I don't want you to be a part of."

"I was never involved with him anyway," I said before walking away from him.

He can't be protective over me after he has been silent and cold towards me. We haven't spoken much since I have been here, and I am fine with that, but he doesn't have to be an ass about it.

Wes and I were never that close, but he was also never a jerk to me. He would at least talk and hang out with me but now he is just an ass.

I walk towards where I saw Willow in the kitchen. She was by herself looking around the crowd, probably for me which made me feel bad about leaving.

"Hey," I said once I walked towards Willow.

"Hey," Willow said while also flashing her bright smile. I wish I had a smile like her. It always want to make me smile. "Where were you? I was trying to find you, but I didn't see you anywhere." Willow asked while furrowing her eyebrows.

"I was outside for a few minutes."

"You, okay?" Willow and with worry laced in.

"Yeah, I'm just kind of tired. I think I am going to head home."

"No no no, you drank, and you don't even have a ride back. I'll take you."

"No, it's fine Willow and I barely drank. I don't want to ruin the party for you."

"It's fine really Alexis. We can leave." Willow leaned closer to me. "Plus, this party is boring anyways."

I let out a small laugh. "Okay."

Willow and I walk out of the house and while walking out of the house I text Isabelle telling her that I was on my way home.

"Hey, do you want to sleepover?" Willow asked once we got inside the car. "Since we aren't doing anything for the rest of the night then maybe we can hang out at mine or something."

I haven't had a sleepover in such a long time.

My old best friend and I stopped having our regular sleepovers after a while. Sleepovers use to be fun but then I used them as an escape to get away from my grandmother and to distract myself. But then she wouldn't let me leave the house, forcing me to stay with her.

"Uh, are your parents okay with it?" I asked Willow as she drove through the streets.

"Yea they are super chill."

"I don't even have my clothes."

"You can use mine, Alexis. If you don't want to go, I am not going to force you. I just thought it would be cool and we would also get a chance to become closer."

"No," I said instantly, not wanting to give Willow the impression that I don't like her. "I haven't had a sleepover in a while but sure I would love to. I just need to make sure it's okay with my aunt first." I see a smile lift on Willow's face. I take out my phone and text Isabelle asking if it's okay to sleep over and Willow's house and she said it was. "She said it's okay."

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