Entry Number Twenty-Nine (2/2/2011)

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Dear readers,

Today was start of second semester. Here are my new classes:

A - English (Only one of my friends is in that class, Brendon, and he's not even anywhere as kool as                            any of my other friends. Different teacher from last semester)

B - Math (Has Robert F. and Alexis)

C - Physical Geography (Has Justin L., Robert F. and Josh)

D - Graphic Art & Design (Has no one, but is awesome class so who cares?)

E - Study Hall

F - Leadership (Has Robert F.)

So far the classes don't seem bad, though I need 20 hours of volunteer work if I want a credit in Leadership.

I just finished eating a Fudgesicle and four pieces of bread. Yum.

People keep on saying I'm gonna get fat if I keep on eating so much. Frankly, I really couldn't care less.

Anyway, ttyl.


I just watched a video that is just SO FUDGING AWESOME(Yummmmm, fuuuudge...)!!! I've decided that it's to replace today's song.


I'm just about to start the last episode of the 4th season of ANTM. I hope kahlen wins. I hate Keenya and I will be satisfied as long as she doesn't win so it's okay if Naima wins.



Naima won!

I'm currently half-way through another fudgesicles(Yum!)



My arm hurts DX



I'm gettin' off now, but I might get back on later tonight.

C ya!

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