Entry Number Eleven (1/15/2011)

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Dear readers,

Saturday! XD

I got on a bit late today, it's 5:20. What's funny is I only got up maybe an hour and a half ago when I was supposed to get up early and help mum clean today.

I have quite a bit of stuff to do over the weekend DX I have to do some(a lot of) questions for Modern History and I have to finish a draft for my French speech when I haven't even started it. At least I think have to finish it. It's gonna be about addictions. I also should study for my exams. I'll try to as much as I can. I don't usually study at all for any test, and I don't usually study for exams either, but this year there are things from the start of the year that I don't quite remember. Luckily for French class it's practically an open-book test. That helps a LOT. 

I'm always do really well on exams. Last year I had the top score on my science exam. The thing is, I'm also really slow at them. I'm almost always the last person out of the room. If not, I'm the second last. At our school, we have exam week. Exam week starts not this Monday coming, but the next.  There's one exam a day. We have the exam for our A period class on Monday. I have Art period A  and there is not Art exam so I don't have to go to school that day. B(English) is Tuesday, C(Modern History) is Wednesday, D(Math) is Thursday, E is Study Block, so it doesn't count, and F(French) is Friday. Everyone has about 15 minutes before the exam to study in the cafeteria and then we have to go to our exams. When we are finished our exams, we are free to go home, we can stay and study for our next exam, o, we can leave and walk around, go wherever and then come back at 3-ish to grab our buses home. I'm almost always the last of those three. When I'm not, it's because mum or dad picks me up after the exam. That doesn't happen often.

The fact that I don't usually study isn't completely true, really. It's more that I don't usually study until right before the test. I'm very good at studying on the few occasions that I do though. Once, I forgot I had a test and thought I would fail because I couldn't remember any of the information, but I studied really hard in the three-ish minute before she passed out the tests and passed with a 100%. When I do study, I end up basically memorizing my notes and usually end up writing them on the test almost word for word.

Today I'm listening to my mp3 player music instead of my playlist. I did that yesterday too. 

Wow! I wrote a lot more that I thought I would when I first started writing.

Anyway, it's 5:50-ish right now, and I'm gonna go finish reading Tokyo Crazy Paradise and then I'm gonna find the answers to my Modern History questions... And then I'll do whatever.

So c ya laterz!


This is a couple minutes after I finished writing that up there, and I just realized that I didn't put a picture or song the day before yesterday and yesterday's picture isn't showing, so I guess it was too big... Ah well, I'll make sure to check if today's picture fits once I put it on(later on). My dad's bugging me to do the dishes,,, I don't wanna, so that'll be a long while until I do that.


It's 8:05 and I'm currently reading yaoi manga! XD Well, not currently, 'cause dad just came downstairs and that is NOT the kind of thing I want him seeing me read, lolz As soon as I'm finished this one, I'm gonna start working on my MH homework WHILE reading manga. It'll go really slowly, but whatever. 

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