Entry Number Forty-Two (2/15/2011)

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Dear readers,

It's 7:14 in the morning right now, and my bus is not running. Which means NO SCHOOL FOR ME!!!

Which is good, really, but they couldn't have picked a worse day. I was really looking forward to today.

'Cause today is the first day the Chinese students will be in classes. Oh well. I'll see them tomorrow.



Gettin' on early today. Which means I'm getting off early. Probably around 5 o'clock.

Even though I couldn't go to school, I still have to do mah Graphic Arts & Design work DX 



I just remembered that Jess is also in GA&D. I just asked her to send me hers. That way I'll just have to edit it a bit XD

I'm really hungry. I think I'll go find something to eat.



Wow... both of those were pretty much failures.

Jessii's internet is not working and all I could find to eat was bread.




I just came across this site called the Uncyclopedia. It is LAWLZ.



I just finished doing today's Graphic Arts & Design blog. It had something to do with brands and logos. I picked Pringles. When I was looking for stuff, I found this really weird Japanese Pringles commercial. I have decided that that commercial will be today's video. 

I should have been off half an hour ago... meh.



Imma get off now, buhbye!

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