chapter 8- 6 feet under.

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Hey so um a heads up. Later in the chapter sence we never got the names of anyone other than Caven and Kenny in the Anti Personal Squad I made up a couple of names.

You sat at an empty table in the cafeteria. No food infront of you. Just an empty table. Under both your legs now wrapped in bandages. The doctor told you that jumping on the titans head really messed it up. Though all it need's is to rest. Hanji and Captain Levi are testing on something that Ke-

Gave them. Meaning of them. They have to have a grave somewhere. Yeah. Ok I'll go ask someone. You look up at your crutches in admiration. "Just need to get up." You whisper to your crutches. You move in your chair to face them and grab you crutches and place them under you arm pits. You then lean them out and try to push up to stand. You stand up with your crutches fully up to holding all your weight.

You sigh and look towards the door. Between you and the door sat most of the survey Corp talking amongst eachother.

Like expected you didn't know anyone from you to the door. You begin to start moving to the door. Ignoring the looks and whispers from people. Though you were looking staright at the door. You saw a few people only from your left. Considering your right eyes is burned. Once at the door you lean your body on it and open the door and walk out.

You walk down the hall to get to Hanji's office where Capatin Levi, there assistant, and Hanji should be.

Once there you move your left crutch up and hit the door. You stood there for a moment until you heard yelling from the other side of the door. All the yelling was muffled but the words, "Moblit" and "Careful" were heard. Then the door moves reveling a tall Moblit at the door.

"Oh hey Y/n. You need something?" He asks politely. I nod. "I was wondering
if Ken-"


I stop my sentence half way. Why can't I say his name? What wrong with me?!

"Do they have Graves?" I ask him looking at the floor. Not wanting to see a pitiful face. "They do bandages. You want to see them?" Captain Levi's voice was heard infront of me.

I don't look up but nod again. I don't feel like seeing an emotion less face. Even if it was for good reasons he has an emotionless face for good reasons. I don't want to see it. I want to see Canven. My squad. And Ke-

I cant say it. Why?

"Come on. I'll lead you there." Captain levi's voice heard moving. I look up seeing him going to the right. I follow him.

He lead me down the hall to the main door to leave. He opened the door for himself and I allowing me to go threw.

I stoped and waiting for him to move again though he just stared. I tilt my head to the side and look at him. He held an emotionless face hiding something behind it. Nothing like Caven or the rest if the squad. They all showed when they were sad. Caven may have had an emotionless face wile fighting though otherwise she was happy. Smiling like charters in book we would read together. The same with the rest. All of us cheering and telling stories together. A little like Levi squad.

"You ok there Captain Levi?" I ask him. He shakes his head than nods. He than began walking again. Allowing me to follow.

I don't look at anything other than Captain Levi's feet think. Not feeling like seeing all the happy people or the town houses.

I keep walking until Capatin Levi stops making me stop.

"Here. Keep walking forward until you get to the grave of Kenny. 6th row." Captain Levi told me.

I than look around and see all the graves. There were so many. Most of them have to be cause titans. Though I know at least one row were murder. Maybe even becasue of me.

She's the reason a family could go through hell!! Having a parents kid tells them there mother or father will never come home!

Eren words flooded through my head as I continue to stare at the graves. Rows and rows of dead people in the ground. Maybe half of them bones. That dosent change the fact that there dead though.

"You going or not. I'll be out here." Captain Levi tell me to go as he wall to a bench.

I take a deep breath as I began to move to the sixth row like Captain Levi told me. I get to the sixth row and begin to walk having my head turned all the way to the left to read the name. I stop and I see the start of familiar ones.

Traute Caven








And finally

Kenny Ackerman.

His grave at the end of the names of my squad. I slowly go down in the middle of all the graves. Right infront of Misa's grave. Even though I'm not talking only to her she is in the middle.

I look down at my burnt hands decied what to say. Befor I think though i start to talk.

"Hey. So I hope your all ok. Im sure right now your all looking down at me from where you are listening. At least I hope. I."

I stop my sentence tearing up at my words. I look up from my hand and look at all the graves infront of me.

"I'm sorry I lived. You all died and here I am. Alive still kicking. You all should have lived with me. Or I should have died. I mean look at me. I'm burnt like the food you use to cook Jack. Ha and look at my legs. Both bandaged. Though I'm part of Levi squad. Funny right. We tried to kill him and here I am apart of his squad. Oh, Caven Hanji is fine. Also the squad is ok with me. Sasha and Connie are who I'm closest too. Though Eren dosent like me. He has a good reason why he dosent though."

I take a big breath in and look at K-

I look at the far left grave. Tears rolling down my face.

"We were a good squad right. I thought we did the right thing. I know we had to kill people but the king told us to. Now everyone says he's terrible and that our squad was in the wrong. Were we though? I want to believe we did the right thing. I was able to kill people and titans without thinking like it nothing. Why is that? I want to know? Do I not have a good heart like you said. I want to believe your all not dead. I want to believe when I open my eyes you'll all be there. Kou yelling at Jack about breakfeast. Misa, Sofie, and Hido getting wood for the fire. Jack and Lyon laughing and telling stories. And Caven and Captain banging on my door to get my ass up. I need you all here with me."

I wope my tears off my face and try to fix my face a bit. "I'm going to head back. Or actully see if I can go to the cabin. Bye I'll try to talk to you later." I tell them all. As if there infront of me. No tears falling. I grab my crutches and try to get up but can't thanks to my legs. I fail and just sit there moving to look at Capatin Levi.


I shout wile moving my arms side to side. I couldn't see very well nor hear though I could see him stand up and walk to me.

He walk all the way and stops infront of me holding out both his hands to pull me up. I take his hands and he forces me up. Once up me leans me on him wile he grabs both of my crutches.

"Tck we should have something to push you around." Levi complains as I get steady in my crutches. Once I'm ready and can move we both start to head back to the rest.

When we reach the turn to the entry where Hanji and Levi squad are. I stop making Levi stop too. He looks back at me. "What?" He clicks his tongue.

"Sorry but can I go somewhere?" I ask him quietly.

He gives me a sigh and but turns fully to me. "Lead the way. I can't leave you alone bandages. Though we can't be out for long so hurry it up." Levi groans as he walks to me. I nod than turn and walk to the left having Captain Levi following me.

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