Smoking...? (Pt.1)

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Smoking... was never allowed in this household. There was this once, before I came to this house,  Jungkook oppa came home with a cigarette in his pocket and was punished harshly than ever by eomma and appa... at least that's what I heard. But I guess that wasn't enough to stop me from trying it. I mean everyone else in the class is doing it it can't be that bad!! ....right? 


Those thoughts crossed my mind as I stare at the cigarette in my hand. A friend of me gave it to me to try it. No! Don't even start. She's a good friend. And after all it was my decision to take it. Right.... I need to do something about this before oppas come home. If appa or jiminie oppa ever finds this out I will be dead!! Should I just trash it? No, they would eventually find it out. Then I only have one option left. Try it. It's not like one puff of cigarette is gonna kill me. If I clean it in time then they would never find it out! It's a perfect crime!!!! This might be the first and only chance I've got to try it. I can do this!

I would be lying if I say I wasn't scared. Oppas weren't the only reason I haven't tried smoking before. Some on internet said it tastes horrible and makes you cough like shit. But still my curiosity won over those thoughts and I gathered  up all my confidence to light the cigarette.... and took a puff. Immediately I started coughing violently. I never thought it would be this bad and I had tears in my eyes. 


"Chim!? You alright???"

"God!! What's all this smoke???"

I felt someone lifting me up and rubbing my back as I slowly closed my eyes as if I was escaping from reality to the dreamland.

Jimin's POV

I came home to Chim coughing and smoke coming out of her room. I panicked and rushed into her room and found her lying on the carpet coughing. Her room filled with smoke. The whole situation felt deja vu...... I quickly shook off my thought and picked y/n up. 

"Chim!? You alright???"

"God!! What's all this smoke???"

Soon enough hyungs also came rushing into the room. We hurriedly carried her out of the room filled with smoke to the living room and laid her down on the couch. She was still coughing lightly which worried me a little. After awhile all the coughing had stopped and she was now sleeping peacefully.

Everyone in the room was confused. What was all that smoke? There was no one who could explained what caused her to cough violently like that.  And yet why does this whole events seem so familiar? I thought for a while and looked around to meet the 5 worried faces...and...?

"Jungkook?" I called out my youngest brother's name

"Y—yes..? Jimin hyung?'' He flinched a little and hurriedly answered.

I sighed and gestured him to come closer. He hesitated but gave in and sat next to me on the couch.

"What is it that you want to tell us?" He widened his eyes and shook his head.


"Nothing!! I have nothing to say!! Hyung I really didn't do anything" Fear filled his eyes and he looked as if he was gonna burst into tears in any moment. 

"Jungkook calm down" Namjoon hyung quickly pulled the maknae into a hug and rubbed his back.

"Hyung.... this time I really didn't" He whined

"Shh... Jungkook we aren't suspecting you of anything. Jimin just simply asked if there was anything that you know or you wanted to tell us"

"But...." Jungkook buried his face further into our leader's shirt.

It wasn't anything abnormal for Jungkook to get little clingy at time to time. But ever since Chim moved in he took a pride in being the older brother so it was shocking for all of us to see him like this.

"Jungkook. We've been living together for many years now. And I can tell that there's something that's bothering you. Can you tell us what it is? Hmm? You are not in trouble. I believe you. I know you didn't do anything bad. You've been so good" Jin hyung chuckled and gave our youngest the eomma smile.

" you know I'm not lying?" Jungkook turned his head around and ask Jin hyung with a little pout on hi face.

"That's because you are a terrible liar" Yoongi Hyung answered instead and laughed. "Are you ready to tell us kid?"

"Fine dad" 

"Oh so I have two kids now??" Youngi Hyung joked and ruffled his hair.

"So tell us then son" Yoongi Hyung teased making Jungkook smile and relax.

"Ummm... it's just.. do you remember the time I ah..." He started but blushed and looked  down on his feet. We could guess it must be about those times he was punished by hyungs. Sensing the embarrassment Namjoon hyung  tightened the arms he had around Jungkook.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it. Don't force yourself." Namjoon Hyung said softly

Jungkook took a deep breath and started talking again. "Do you remembered the day I got caught smoking..? And....and..."

"Got punished" Namjoon hyung finished it and Jungkook just nodded

"Pretty harshly" I added

Jungkook nodded again "And I found the same cigarette I had that time in Chim's room after you  carried her out of the room...... I...I just got scared that you would suspect me of smoking again and hid it...."

"You didn't have to do that. Like I said you are a terrible liar. We know when you are lying and when you are not" Jin hung said some what sternly yet his voice was soft.

"You have no idea how harsh the punishments you and Yoongi hyung gave me....." He said softly crying into Namjoon hyung. 

"You shouldn't have smoked in the first place" Yoongi hyung shrugged

My thought froze for a second and I felt anger boiling inside me

"Does that mean she was SMOKING?" I said the last part almost screaming.

"M-maybe.......?" Jungkook whispered. And that was all I needed to know.

"PARK Y/N wake up at this instant!!!"

A/N: its been ages since I updated last time. I'm sorry for the late update and my horrible English. Many things happened and I just wasn't in the right mood to write or do anything. But I'm slowly recovering and I'll probably be able to update again sometime this month if not then maybe next month...... I know many of you have sent me lots of requests and gave me lots of brilliant ideas for chapters and I'm really sorry that I kept you waiting for so long...  I hope you enjoy this chapter~~ andddd see you again in the next chapter~~

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