Broken Boy (pt.3)

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Everyone in the house woke up to Jin yelling them from the living room. Soon enough all the seven boys were downstairs gathered at the living room rubbing their sleepy eyes.

"'s 6 am in the morning...." Jimin complained

"I'm sleepy" Said Taehyung

"Where's Chim?" Jin asked the boys ignoring the two whining boys

"She's probably still asleep upstairs" Yoongi said yawning

"CHIM GET DOWN HERE NOW" Jin yelled making the boys jump in the surprise.

"Hyung! You scared us!" Hoseok said covering his ears.

"You are overreacting. Now please someone go get the lazy girl out of the bed"

At this point everyone was confused. Why is he so moody in this early hour? Well...except for Jungkook. He stared nervously and didn't say a word while the boys kept on complaining.

"I'll go" Namjoon stood up and went to wake Chim up. Soon all of them were gathered at the living room seated on the couch staring at the oldest in the house.

"So..? Why are we here?" Yoongi was the one to break the silence.

Jin pointed at the breaking vase on the floor. "Anyone care to explain why my vase that I brought just a week ago was found broken into pieces and was everywhere on the floor?"

"Hyung... I don't know now can we please go back to sleep?" Hoseok said annoyed

"No, no one is leaving the room until we find out who broke my vase." Jin stated.

And everyone in the room groaned in annoyance.

"Hyung it was probably just an accident" Namjoon said trying to calm the older down.

"Accident or not. It's a no excuse to leave the broken vase on the floor like that."

Everyone stayed silent for another 5 minutes until Jin stood up.

"Alright I will make it easy for you guys then. Everyone stand up. Turn around and put your hands up in the air."

Everyone obeyed. Everyone knew to not mess with the oldest when he was already in a bad mood.

"Listen. If you broke the vase then you better tell me right now until you can all of you are going to keep the position"

Jin knew the guilt will eat up whoever broke the vase and won't be able to hold the secret for long.

"I-I know who broke it...."
Jungkook's body tensed up and he froze at where he was standing.


"Jungkookie Oppa.... did it"

"NO I DIDNT!!" Jungkook screamed




"Chim, you finish that sentence and you will get my belt" Yoongi warned.


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