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Taehyug's POV

It's been almost a month since she was caught sneaking out. And it seemed like she started making few friends at school. Either good or bad we could clearly see in her attitude that she was influenced by her friends. It wasn't bad at first, she became more bright and was happy to go to school, until she started cussing more often, skipping classes with her friends, ignoring Yoongi hyung's scolding and spending too much money on clothes and other stuff. I understood her though keeping up with friends was my top concern back in high school too. But the way she was acting, it was obvious she'd get herself in trouble not so far in the future.

Chim's POV

I've been staring at my phone screen for hours now. I know it was too expensive.... but....Hayoon, my new friend, popular, pretty, skinny, smart, a girl who had everything I wanted and didn't have...(I don't even know why she bothered to be my friend she was way too perfect to be with me), was buying it. It was a bracelet with a small diamonds. My mind flashed back to the conversation I had with Hayoon.

"y/n!! Have you seen this??" Hayoon said handing me her phone

"Whoa that looks so pretty" I said. If I be completely honest with you it wasn't really my style. But who cares it was her style and whatever she thinks is pretty is pretty.

"I know!! We should get this!! It's not even that expensive! We can have this as our friendship bracelet!! What do you say?" She said smiling at her phone not really looking at me.

My face froze looking at the price but I quickly put my fake smile back on and nodded happily. "Sure!! I'd love that!!"

"Okay then. I'll send you the link later~ see you tomorrow" with that she run off to her mom's car and left.

And here I am laying down on my bed staring at my phone. $350, it was way too expensive for a high school student to afford. Except for Hayoon she was one of those crazy rich girl in the school. If I tell her it's way too expensive for me to afford will she look down on me? Will she stop being my friend? I didn't want to go back being alone. There's no way I'm not getting that bracelet. If that bracelet is what takes to keep my friend I'm more than happy to buy it. That left me with two options ask oppas for money since it was way too expensive for me to buy with my allowance or steal back my credit card. Knowing oppas wouldn't give me that much money without asking thousands of questions I crossed out the first option. Well the left me with only one option. I'm going to steal back my card.

I waited until 3am to make sure nobody is awake and slowly snuck into App's room. Thank god he was a heavy sleeper. I opened the drawer where he kept my credit card (the card I used when I run away from home and has been taken away) and quickly slipped it in my pocket and quietly left the room.

As soon as I got back in my room I bounced happily and held my credit card tight to myself. I did it!!!! I quickly picked up the phone and smiled at the screen I've been staring at for past few hours. My heart beating faster as I placed order.

After three days

I've got an email informing the bracelet will be arriving today. I waited impatiently for Taehyug oppa to pick me up at the school gate. I was nervous the whole drive back to our house. He dropped me in front of the gate and drove back to his work. I rushed inside the house hoping none of the oppas are home. Unfortunately I found Appa sitting on the couch with a small box in his hand. Fuck I'm so dead. I walked pass the couch as quietly as possible.

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