Trust Issues

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The past few weeks were consisted of the usual events. Ellie continued to spend time with her new acquaintances, not noticing how much less she's been spending with her own girlfriend. The time the lovers were together, Hermione had put on a fake persona to hide her disappointment. She even tried mounting Harry's broom to appear less 'uptight', but the outcome was terrible. When Hermione told her girlfriend of what she did, Ellie laughed it off and didn't believe her, wondering why she would even do such a thing.

It was now April, weeks after the big game and Hermione's first disappointment. At just about six in the morning, Ellie rolled out of bed groggily, getting ready quickly to head to the library. She had received a note the night before from an anonymous writer, requesting that Ellie help the sender with their upcoming Defense Against the Dark Arts assignment. The constant interactions with others took a toll on her body, but Ellie tried to remain as positive as possible, trying to make those around her pleased.

Ellie greeted Madam Pince as she entered the dark library, a few candles illuminating the room.

"Good morning, ma'am. Is there anyone here at this hour?" Ellie asked politely as she rubbed the grogginess from her eyes.

"Miss Evans, it's a pleasure seeing you here, bright and early. There's a girl sitting at the back table. There's no one else here, though," Madam Pince replied. "Let me know if you need anything, dear."

Ellie smiled as she made her way to the back, expecting to see her girlfriend, who is the only person she'd expect to be at the library this early. She shuffled her way to the back table to see a dark-haired girl, the robes of her hood tinted green. The presumed Slytherin turned her head around at the sound of Ellie's approach, her face all too familiar.

"Morning, Miss American," the girl greeted, her face seeming to be permanently frowned, resembling a pug.

"I know you..." Ellie trailed unsurely as she took a seat at the only empty chair next to the girl.

"Pansy Parkinson. Of course you'd know me, we have Potions together," Pansy snorted as she flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"Anyway, I need help with the DADA assignment. I hear you're top of the class," Pansy urged as she took a few scrolls out of her bag along with a textbook.

Ellie was shocked at the straightforwardness of the Slytherin, perceiving a slight hint of rudeness.

"Now Snape told us we had to write two parchments long. I think that's rather hefty. But you should know all about the Reducto charm, right?"

"If Snape's teaching the class, why don't you ask him for help or negotiate the paper? I mean, he favors Slytherin, so I wouldn't be surprised if he gave you points just for asking," Ellie reasoned, feeling more and more reluctant to help Pansy.

"Yeah, whatever. I just need help with this stupid assignment," Pansy urged, shoving the parchment in front of Ellie.

Ellie stared at it, then moved it back in front of Pansy.

"Well, essentially... the Reducto charm is-" Ellie stopped as she felt Pansy nearing towards her, her breath hitting her neck.

The door to the library opened, but Ellie was too distracted to look at who entered.

"...the Reducto charm blasts solid objects to pieces..." Ellie felt uncomfortable as a cold hand was placed on her arm.

Ellie shook Pansy's hand off as she tried to refocus her attention, her regret building. She took a deep breath as she cleared her throat.

"What's the matter, Golden Girl? Got your tongue tied up in a knot?" Pansy sneered as she inched closer to the Hufflepuff.

"Ellie, what the bloody hell?" a voice screamed from behind them, despite it being a library.

Ellie and Pansy immediately turned around to see a fuming Hermione, clutching her book tightly.

"What's the matter, Granger? I thought you and Weaselbee were an item," Pansy sneered with a mischievous smirk.

Ellie immediately stood up, clenching her fists.

"You knew she'd be here," Ellie growled as she shoved Pansy's belongings off the table.

Hermione stormed out of the library, ignoring Madam Pince's concerned remarks.

Ellie gathered her belongings and turned to face the Slytherin before heading out of the library.

"I hope you rot. You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach," Ellie spat, using the words Hermione had mentioned once before.

Ellie ran after her girlfriend, who already made her way to the suspension bridge, tears streaming down her face, clutching the railing for support.

"How could you?" Hermione asked, her voice breaking as she clutched her book in her hands.

"Darling, it's not what it looks like," Ellie responded cautiously, afraid to say anything wrong.

"Letting Pansy, of all people, feel up on you?" Hermione argued as her anger rose.

"I only wanted to help! And I tried to stop her, love. I wasn't even doing anything!" Ellie defended as she tried to approach her girlfriend. Hermione took a step back, trying to maintain the distance between them.

"How do I know that?" Hermione pleaded, her cheeks stained with tears.

"You have to trust me! You know I would never do anything to hurt you!"

"You already have!" Hermione yelled, her voice breaking once more. The sight of her girlfriend pierced Ellie's heart.

Ellie's face turned into confusion and pain, wondering how she could have ever made Hermione feel that way.

Ellie's voice softened, her eyebrows frowned as a result of her mixed emotions. "What did I do?"

"Lately, you've been doing bloody terrible at being my girlfriend! Let's start with you calling me 'uptight and not a social butterfly'-" Hermione started.

"I didn't mean it like that-" Ellie tried to defend but was cut off by Hermione.

"Let me talk!" Hermione argued as tears continued to pour down her face. "You haven't been spending time with me! You haven't even paid attention to me! You haven't noticed how I'm feeling! You've been spending way too much time with people who don't give a damn about you! And now Pansy?! Letting her touch you like that? That's no way to act like my girlfriend!"

"How was I supposed to know? I'm not psychic! And you know it's not like that! You could have told me how you were feeling instead of building it all up!" Ellie urged.

"You should have noticed! As my girlfriend, you should have noticed!" Hermione screamed, her voice piercing Ellie's ears.

Hermione's pained eyes locked with Ellie's, her lip quivering, before turning on her heel, storming away.

"I'm sorry!" Ellie yelled out in hopes of mending the situation, but Hermione continued to pace even faster.

"Come back to me when you actually mean it!" Hermione yelled back as she quickly made her way back to the Gryffindor room.

Ellie stood there in shock, feeling numb to the situation. The crisp morning breeze blew as the sun began to rise. Her mind was busy with activity as she analyzed her actions, wondering how severe it might have been. She didn't know how to feel, whether it be pained or confused. Ellie frowned at the pace of their encounter. After 15 minutes of what seemed like frozen time, Ellie slowly began her walk back to the Hufflepuff common room.

Trust Me | Hermione Granger x Female OC (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now