The Big Game

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It was Saturday, March 8th, 1997, the day of Gryffindor's and Hufflepuff's game.

It was breakfast time. The other Hufflepuff Quidditch players had forced Ellie to sit with them, much to her dismay.

"Listen to me, Ellie. We absolutely have to win this game. If we don't, we won't make it to the finals," the captain urged.

"Yeah, yeah," Ellie brushed off, her attention more focused on the Gryffindor table. She noticed that Ron was not there and assumed that he was still in the hospital wing.

"Yeah, Ron's out for this game," the captain commented as he followed Ellie's gaze. "They have Cormac subbing in. He's a bloody nightmare."

"You know, Ron isn't as bad as everyone thinks he is," Ellie defended.

"Sure, sure. But you need to remember, there are no friendships during Quidditch matches. Just because you spend all your time with those Gryffindors doesn't mean you go easy on them."

"I wasn't planning to anyways," Ellie said as she stood up from the Hufflepuff table. She began to walk to the Gryffindor table as she heard her captain call out, "Stop it, Ellie! Don't fraternize with the enemy!"

She ignored the captain as she plopped down on a seat next to Hermione, earning glares from her teammates.

"Hey guys. Hope you don't mind me sitting here," Ellie greeted worriedly at Harry and Ginny.

"It's okay. We weren't talking about Quidditch anyway," Ginny replied with a smile.

Ellie turned to face Hermione, who was wearing the Hufflepuff Quidditch jersey along with a Gryffindor scarf.

"I see you're supporting both teams," Ellie pointed out.

"We all are," Neville chimed in. He had face paint on, with one cheek dashed with red and the other dashed with yellow. Luna was wearing her usual lion hat, except this time, it morphed into a badger every five minutes.

"Luna's doing commentary today," Hermione assured.

Ellie looked around the table, appreciative that her friends supported her house. "Thank you, guys."

Hermione grabbed Ellie's hand under the table and interlaced them together, something that had now become a routine.

"Any updates on Ron?" Ellie inquired.

"He's doing better, but Madam Pomfrey didn't clear him to play today," Harry replied.

"It's a bummer. I would've wanted to play against him," Ellie said solemnly.

"Anyway, Harry and I got to get going to the pitch," Ginny spoke as she began to stand up. "You should start getting ready too."

"Yeah, in a bit. Good luck out there," Ellie said with a smile as the two of them began to walk away.

Hermione turned to Ellie, whose left leg was shaking inconspicuously.

"Nervous, Ellie?" Hermione teased.

Ellie took notice and forcefully stopped her leg from shaking as her cheeks turned red.

"Of course not," Ellie lied. "It's just a lot of pressure on me. The game won't end until I catch the Snitch."

"You'll be fine, Ellie," Neville chimed in. "You wouldn't have made it onto the team if you didn't earn it."

Ellie gave him a warm smile as she thanked him.

"It was nice seeing you guys, but I have to get going now," Ellie urged to her friends.

After a few goodbyes, Hermione brought Ellie in for a hug. She buried her face behind her hair and placed a small kiss just under her ear. To the others, it looked like a normal hug before Ellie's departure.

Ellie began to stand up from the table, gleaming widely.

"Good luck, Ellie," Hermione wished with a supportive smile. The rest of her friends wished her good luck as well as Ellie began walking out of the Great Hall and onto the pitch.

Ellie was wearing Cedric's gloves and her Quidditch robes as she lined up with her team in front of Gryffindor. She looked to the stands as she saw Hermione cheering for her loudly, along with Neville besides her.

Ellie proceeded to shake Harry's hand firmly as she stared competitively into his blue eyes in an attempt to intimidate him.

"May the best Seeker win," Ellie said as she continued to try to intimidate him.

Ellie looked up one more time to her girlfriend in the stands and gave her a wink. Ellie placed both hands on her broom and leaned forward, feeling the oak hit the ring on her finger. Ellie tucked in Hermione's necklace into her jersey as the referee started counting down.

Soon enough, the balls were up in the air as Ellie's eyes trailed the Snitch. She saw from the corner of her eye that one of Hufflepuff's took the Quaffle but was taken from Ginny who flew into him.

Luna: "The game has started and Hufflepuff's Chaser, Smith, has the Quaffle! Oh, wait, never mind that! Ginny has taken the Quaffle right from his grasp!"

Luna: "... but now that big Hufflepuff player's got the Quaffle from her, I can't remember his name, it's something like Bibble - no, Buggins -"

Professor McGonagall: "It's Cadwallader!"

Cadwallader scored just before Cormac's reach, putting Hufflepuff in the lead 10-0.
Ellie's eyes scanned the pitch for the Golden Snitch and caught a glimpse of Harry zooming after it. She immediately chased after him, her broom allowing her to catch up with him rather quickly. The Snitch was right in front of them as it teased the two Seekers.

Luna: "Ginny and Demelza has now scored the Quaffle each, making it 20-0 for Gryffindor. Oh my, this game is going rather quick."

Luna: "Oh wait! Now Bibble - I mean, Cadwallader, has scored again, tying the points up!"

Harry and Ellie continued to race each other as they dodged Bludgers heading their way. Harry made snarky remarks to Cormac every time he passed him, criticizing him for trying to correct his teammates. Ellie purposely bumped shoulders with Cormac, making him fuel with anger.

Luna: "Wow, those are interestingly shaped clouds... I wonder if Smith has Loser's Lurgy."

McGonagall: "Luna, dear, pay attention to the game! It's 70-40 for Hufflepuff now!"

Ellie found that Harry was no longer beside her, assuming he had lost track of the Snitch that fluttered in front of her.

Luna: "Cormac seems distracted! He seems to be instructing one of the Beaters how to hit a Bludger."

A few minutes passed and Hufflepuff had scored 10 more goals while Gryffindor only scored 2. Luna, being too immersed into the cloud shape failed to commentate its update.

The next events happened all too fast for anyone to process. Cormac had cracked Harry's skull with a Beater's bat, rendering him unconscious as his teammates caught his fall. In the meantime, Ellie barely caught the Snitch, cheering in triumph. She rushed over to Harry, but saw him being carried out on a stretcher.

Ellie saw Cormac's smug face and flew over to him, dismounting her broom.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You could have killed him!" Ellie screamed at Cormac.

"Maybe if he and Ginny knew how to lead their team, I wouldn't have to show them," Cormac spat back.

Ellie drew her fist back and sent a harsh punch to his jaw, making him stumble slightly.

To her surprise, Cormac didn't hesitate to swing at her with the same force. Soon enough, the two of them had dismounted their brooms and were sending limbs at each other with the only intention to inflict pain. It wasn't until Ellie heard Hermione's plead to stop, watching as she rushed down to the pitch.

With Cormac more bruised than Ellie, he stormed off the pitch, dragging his broom behind him.

"That bloody cockroach..." Hermione muttered angrily as she inspected Ellie's slightly bloody face.

"Go get cleaned up in the Prefects bathroom. I'll be there in minute. I have to take care of something first," Hermione insisted as she withdrew her wand and stormed after Cormac.

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