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The trio and Ellie exit the Weasleys' shop and began walking down the nearly deserted alley.

"How are Fred and George doing it? Half the alley's closed down," Hermione asked in disbelief.

"Fred reckons people need a laugh these days. I reckon he's right," Ron replied.

They quartet stopped in front of Ollivanders Wand Shop, which was now dark and gloomy, it's windows shattered.

"Oh no," Hermione breathed. "Everyone got their wands from Ollivanders."

Harry stepped forward, opening the creaky door slowly. Ron trailed behind him, followed by Hermione then Ellie. The shop was dusty and filled with debris. The quartet began to look around, Ron and Harry splitting up from the girls. Ellie took hold of Hermione's hand, interlacing their fingers together. She knew Hermione was worried and attempted to comfort her.

Ron spoke up, looking above out the window. "Harry?"

"Is it just me or does it look like Draco and Mummy look like two people who don't want to be followed?" Ron continued.

Harry, Hermione, and Ellie appeared behind the redhead and watched as the Malfoys looked over their shoulder and turned into an alley.

Harry immediately followed after them quietly, with Ron and the girls trailing behind them. They found themselves in Knockturn Alley, passing by people talking to themselves and men who stared down the girls. Ellie immediately let Hermione walk in front of her in the narrow alleyway, wanting to make sure she was in her sights. They stopped just behind a wall as they watched as Draco and Narcissa entered Borgin and Burkes. Harry motioned for the three to follow him to climb the rooftop of the building. Ellie helped Hermione up, placing a comforting hand on her back.

The four of them peered over the roof, watching a meeting take place, with Draco running his fingers across a dark wood cabinet. They watched for only seconds before a tall figure blocked their view. The quartet immediately ducked their heads, shielding them from view.


It was September 1st, 1996. The summer had seemed to fly in a blur. Not much had happened since their run-in with Draco. Hermione and Ellie were only able to sneak in a few kisses here and there, but the size of the Burrow's inhabitants made it nearly impossible for them to have alone time. After picking up their supplies just days earlier, the students had arrived at King's Cross.

The quartet was seated together, Ellie and Hermione on one side and Harry and Ron on the other.

"So what was Draco doing with that weird looking cabinet? And who were all those people?" Ron asked, wanting answers.

"Don't you see? It was a ceremony, an initiation," Harry explained.

Hermione looked up from the book she was reading, shaking her head. "Stop it, Harry. I know where you're going with this."

"It's happened. He's one of them," Harry urged.

"One of what?" Ron asked cluelessly.

"Harry is under the impression that Draco Malfoy is now a Death Eater," Hermione explained.

"You're barking," Ron scoffed. "What would You-Know-Who want with Malfoy?"

"Well, then what's he doing in Borgin and Burkes? Browsing for furniture?" Harry reasoned.

"It's a creepy shop. He's a creepy bloke," Ron tried to argue.

"Look, his father is a Death Eater. It only makes sense. Besides, Hermione saw it with her own eyes," Harry said, pointing to Hermione.

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