10. Jisung

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If your roommate was designating you as her 'one-night stand wrangler', she should at least have the decency to wait until eight thirty to wake you up.

Instead, you're searching for wherever your phone found home in your sheets last night while answering the quiet two knocks at your bedroom door with a quick, "Yeah, what's up?"

Your roommate peeks her head in and whispers, "Hey, so, I went out last night and brought a guy home, but I don't want to-"

Grasping your phone from its hiding place (how did it even get that far under your side pillows?), you squint at the too bright screen and read the time. 7:15.

"Yeah, yeah. I know the drill," you cut her off.

Glancing at her, you can see the relief on her face. She mutters a thank you before closing your door. The sound of your apartment door shutting follows very quickly after.

You heave a sigh, planting your face in your pillow before letting out a slow groan. You don't even know why your roommate bothers asking anymore when the routine is like clockwork at this point. 

Regardless, you throw your covers off your body and get out of bed. You do a quick mirror glance to make sure you're decent before leaving your room to head to the kitchen.

The clock above the stove tells you it's 7:20 now, which most likely leaves you with a little over an hour before your roommate's boy toy from last night emerges. It's safe to say when he wakes, he'll have one hell of a hangover, so you start a pot of coffee and grab two aspirin from your medicine cabinet.

Onto food now, you spare a glance in your pantry to spot a box of pancake mix. Almost at the same time, your stomach growls and it seems like your decision is made. Pancakes it is.

You quickly whip up the batter and start pouring it on a hot skillet when the coffee machine beeps to signal it's finished. Grabbing a mug and filling it, you place the coffee and two aspirins on the counter in front of the stove. 

Not even a minute later, you hear your roommate's door open and heavy steps coming towards the kitchen. You grant yourself a little smile while flipping the pancakes – your timing really is impeccable.

The boy from last night turns the corner into the kitchen, and suddenly this morning is different from the so many mornings previous. You actually know this guy.

Well... sort of. You have a couple of classes together, but you've never spoken to him. 

Taking in the disheveled boy's tousled hair and downturned lips, you have to hand it to your roommate – at least she has good taste in men. You couldn't help but internally coo at his chubby cheeks. Your eyes meet his, and you give him a smile.

"Good morning! You probably had quite a bit to drink last night, so the coffee and aspirin are for you." The boys gives you a look before speaking.

"Thank you, but sorry I don't remember you? I could have sworn you were someone else last night. Guess I did have a bit too much last night." he laughs lightly.

You allow yourself a little laugh too before answering. 

"No you're right. You came back with my roommate, not me. She's a bit notorious for one-night stands, so now I'm supposed to tell you that she left because she has an early class. Then I'm supposed to get your phone number and promise you she'll call in a few days before binning it as soon as you leave, but I never do that so hey, sorry my roommate's a jackass. Pancakes?"

The boy – you really should know his name – looks a little bewildered, but you don't pay it any mind.

His reaction is about what you usually get, so you simply flip two pancakes onto a plate before sliding it, a fork, and a syrup bottle in front of him.

He mumbles his thanks again before taking a seat at the counter and begins eating. You give him another smile before starting two more pancakes on the stove. The boy is eating silently while you cook, but you can feel his gaze steadily on your face.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" You glance up at his question and see his eyes still trained on you, eyebrows scrunched. You can't help the slight quirk of your lips. 

"Kind of. We have a couple of classes together – general calculus and statistics, I think. I'm usually second row towards the middle." You offer your name, and the confusion clears a bit from his face.

"Jisung." he supplied back.

"Well, Jisung, it's nice to finally meet you. Sorry you're probably fighting a raging headache during it." you offer with a little laugh. Your smile widens when you hear his laugh following yours.

"So, this happens a lot?" Jisung asks. You answer with a shrug. 

"More or less, yeah. Sometimes it's an easy week and she only does it twice. Sometimes I'm up making a random guy breakfast more days than I'm in class." Jisung's eyebrows shoot up a little at that. 

"Don't take her leaving personally or anything, she never calls anyone back."

"And you don't mind at all? Having to clean up what she brings home?" You shrug again, flipping the last of the pancakes onto a plate before starting to eat, yourself.

"I mean, it's not my favorite thing, but it's not the worst thing. I don't really mind doing it. I'd rather make them breakfast and tell them what's up than just tell them to get out and have them wait for a call that's never going to come. That's just kind of a shitty thing to do, don't you think?" 

Jisung is still watching you, but something in his eyes seems to shift. You raise an eyebrow at him, but he just shakes his head.

"Okay then, well I actually do have an early class to get to, and seeing as that my class is at 9, and it is," you check the time on your phone, "8:30, I should probably get ready to leave. You can stay a little bit longer if you need, but just lock the door on the way out. Oh, and don't try to steal anything. I'll know it was you, and we have class, so I know where to find you."


Your classes seem to drag on through the day, but before you know it, you're turning your key in the door and entering your apartment again. You can hear the tv in the living room going so you know your roommate is home. You shout a greeting to her before shutting the door behind you.

"Hey!" Your roommate returns politely. 

"Was the guy from this morning pushy or something? You forgot to trash his number." You pause in your walking and scrunch your eyebrows.

How is Jisung's number here? You never asked for it in the first place.

"What? I thought I threw it away before I left?" You call back out to your roommate, feet resuming their path to the kitchen.

"Nope, look on the counter."

Turning the corner, you see that your roommate's right.

Sitting nicely on the counter right where he ate breakfast, there's little sticky note with a number on it, signed at the bottom with a "JISUNG".

Your eyebrows pull together once again. You definitely told Jisung that your roommate wasn't going to call, so the poor guy was really setting himself up to be upset. You sigh before snagging the note off the countertop, fully intent on throwing it away for real.

Well, that was the plan before your eyes caught a little extra note on the back of the sticky.

'Thanks for the pancakes. You're really cute. Call me sometime?'

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