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"Okay, do we really think this is going to work-"

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"Okay, do we really think this is going to work-"

"Jules," the young girl stopped pacing as she turned, seeing the comforting smile on Holland's face as she sat on the couch across the room, the boys getting ready with their instruments. "This is going to work."

Julie gave herself a little nod, trying to hype herself up before she pulled open the doors to the studio. Flynn stood outside, giving her a look as Julie led her in.

"All right guys," Julie asked the boys as Flynn raised an eyebrow, only seeing Holland across the room. "We ready?"

Luke sent a thumbs up, a guitar pick in his mouth prohibiting him from speaking.

"You might want to have a seat," Holland called out to Flynn with a sly grin, nodding toward a chair. "My brother needs a lot of space to jam out. He doesn't want to walk through you."

"Oh? Oh, so now this isn't just a ghost band, but it's your dead brother's ghost band?" Holland paused for a second before nodding. Flynn let out a laugh. "Wow, I really need to admit you two to a mental hospital don't I? When you guys create a world you really live in it."

Flynn listened, though, taking a seat in the chair they had pulled up especially for her to sit in and rock out. Julie walked over, placing her hands on her shoulders.

"If you'll notice, there's no equipment that can produce a hologram around," Julie walked over to her keyboard as Holland got comfortable on the couch, ready for the show, as she looked at her best friend. "The guys, plus Holland, took a poem that I had written about you and put it to music."

"How sweet," Flynn cooed. "If only I didn't have to talk to your dad after this."

"We call it, 'Flying Solo',"

With the press of a button on Holland's end, the main beat of the song began to play as Julie sat a the keyboard, playing the music that they had made to accompany the lyrics.

"If I leave you on a bad note, leave you on a sad note, guess that means I'm buying lunch that day," Flynn tried to ignore the catchiness of the song, but her foot was betraying her. "I know all your secrets, you know all my deep dish. Guess that means somethings they never, they never change."

Flynn gave Holland an unimpressed look, obviously not seeing seeing the boys the way that Holland could. Alex took a glance over at her as she gave him a fly thumbs up as the chorus set in.

The boys suddenly jumped into existence as Flynn let out a small screech of terror, looking around at the three boys before her as she realized there was no equipment around the room.

"My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo," Flynn looked over to Holland, who was no standing in front of the couch as the boys sang. She only shrugged, a small smile on her lips as she watched her friend slowly accept what was going on. "My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you."

Holland clapped along, laughing at the look on Flynn's face as Julie knelt in front of her, singing to her the next verse. Luke took a glance over at Holland, taking the opportunity to sweep his mic and stand over to the girl as placing it next to her, looking at her as they jumped back into the chorus.

"My life, my life would be real love, zero flying solo," Holland focused on Luke, a grin on her lips as he sang, his eyes never leaving her own. He nodded his head, beckoning her toward him as she gave in very easily, singing along from the other side of the mic as she looked straight at him, not seeing the knowing glances from Reggie and Alex. "My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you."

Julie brought Flynn to stand right in front of the two, Luke shouting the next lyric as he leaned closer to Flynn, the girl stepping back in shock. Holland laughed as Julie guided Flynn back over to stand in front of Reggie, coming to a slower part of the song. Holland stepped away from Luke to follow them, missing the pout that covered his lips in an instant.

Flynn put her hand straight through Reggie's shoulder, jerking it back as she looked between Julie and Holland.

"Weird, right?" Reggie commented.

"This is your brother, isn't it?" Holland nodded, sharing a smile with her brother as they turned to the girl. "This is...oh my god, they're ghosts!"

"Oh, we actually prefer musician spirits,"  Alex chimed in.

"Julie?" Luke called out, gaining her attention. "Does this mean you're joining our band?"

Flynn scoffed, throwing an arm around Julie as she looked at Luke.

"Actually, I think you're joining her band,"

"I'm going to go with what she said," Luke couldn't help but laugh as Julie turned to look at Holland. "So, Holls, you going to take up Luke's offer and help write the music?"

Holland pursed her lips, sparing Luke a glance. She quickly turned to look at Reggie and Alex, a grin on her face.

"Not every day you get to write music for your dead brother so...hell yes!"

Julie jumped, throwing her arms around her friends as she brought them into her side, holding the mic out in front of them as they sang along to the rest of the song, having the time of their lives.

"My life, my life would be real love, zero flying solo. My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you,"

Holland spared a glance back at Luke as Julie and Flynn twirled around, belting out the lyrics. His eyes hadn't left her a single time the entire song, a shy smile spreading across her lips as Luke sent her a wink, sending her stomach into a flood of little butterflies that she was pretty sure Mason had never even given her.

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So, I just want you all to know that this story isn't JUST the plot of each and every episode, but is going to include A LOT of extras to it! Before the gig that was supposed to happen at the school dance, you're going to see a lot more (because I...

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So, I just want you all to know that this story isn't JUST the plot of each and every episode, but is going to include A LOT of extras to it! Before the gig that was supposed to happen at the school dance, you're going to see a lot more (because I all know you want a thousands more reasons to love Luke so why not give it to you)

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